Technical Section WAGO

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Vydal: WAGO Elektro spol. s r.o.

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This information given under Item the EU Prototype Test Certificates, based on which the terminal blocks have been approved for Group and Group II. As this broad application range encom- passes large number potentially flamma- ble gases, Group broken down into sub- groups IIA, IIB and IIC. Temperature Class Maximum Surface Temperature (°C) T1 450 T2 300 T3 200 T4 135 T5 100 T6 85 Depending the maximum surface tem- perature, electrical equipment Group are classified temperature categories T6 for all protection types. • The use this component requires new assessment notified certification agency. This breakdown based different gases/ materials exhibiting differing ignition power levels parameters. Low tem- perature stability considered suffi- cient when the insulation material can with- stand 24-hour storage temperature of −60°C (−76°F) without nullifying the type of protection. This standard supplement 60079-0 and applies equipment parts thereof that neither generate sparks arcing under normal operating conditions, nor exhibit haz- ardous temperatures. • The terminal blocks can used both in Group and Group the standard requirements are identical this case. Therefore, representa- tive gases have been allocated these three sub-groups: • IIA Propane • IIB Ethylene • IIC Hydrogen WAGO’s terminal blocks can used both in Group and Group II. The surrounding air temperature, which must accounted for in dimensioning, defined 40°C/104°F (devi- ations are acceptable under some condi- tions). • When installing the terminal blocks an enclosure protection type “eb” (increased safety) per 60079-7, the clearances and creepage distances of Table must observed. The highest measured surface temperature rise must not exceed K. Terminal blocks for “eb” (increased safety) protection type are generally assigned to temperature category When rail-mount terminal blocks are used equipment of temperature categories T5, ensure that the highest temperature the insulating parts does not exceed 85°C (185°F).wago.36 www. Minimum Ignition Power Typical Gases: Explosion Group IIA IIB IIC Gas Methane Propane Ethylene Hydrogen Ignition Power 280 250 16 Continued General Technical Information Electrical Equipment Used Hazardous Areas . This standard describes special measures, which have observed obtain safety degree according the “eb” (increased safety) protection WAGO Rail-Mount Terminal Block Systems Technical Information for Applications Thermal resistance the insulation material must least 20°C (68°F) greater than the highest operating temperature. EN 60079-0 also classifies electrical equip- ment for use hazardous areas into two groups: Group I: Electrical equipment for mines susceptible to firedamp Group II: Electrical equipment for hazardous areas, except for mines susceptible firedamp. When using accessories, the installation instructions of the manufacturer must observed. Special Requirements “Increased Safety e” The European 60079-7 Standard VDE 0170-6 Classification contains special requirements for the design and testing of electrical equipment with “eb” (increased safety) protection type for use hazardous areas.2 “Terminal Blocks for External Conductors”: • The terminal blocks must installed an enclosure meeting the requirements a recognized protection type per 60079-0, Section 60079-31. The following are the most important design requirements for terminal blocks for external supply conductors electrical equipment: These must: • sufficiently large permit reliable con- nection external supply conductors with cross section least the size required by the nominal current the equipment • protected against self-loosening and designed such that the supply conductors cannot slip out their clamping units • designed such that adequate contact pressure ensured without damaging the conductors • designed such that their contact pres- sure does not change with temperature cycling • equipped with spring connecting link for the connection stranded conductors • designed allow secure connec- tion smaller conductors for terminal blocks mm² (12 AWG). Ex components such rail-mount terminal blocks are covered Section 4