Technical Section WAGO

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Vydal: WAGO Elektro spol. s r.o.

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After the test, inspection must show changes that would impair further use the product. A saturated atmosphere first created a climatic chamber heating aqueous sul- phur dioxide solution. After exposure humid atmosphere, the test specimen subjected dry and cooler conditions room temperature for hours. After less than half an hour, the test specimen fully saturated by the condensing vapors and exposed this atmosphere for eight hours. Sulphur and its combustion products are particularly aggressive pollutants commonly found industrial environments.22 www. test procedure sim- ulating such corrosive conditions consists exposing test specimen water condensation variable atmospheres containing sulphur dioxide.5 times the value measured after the 24th cycle. . Voltage drop is measured every cycles and must not exceed maximum value or vary 20’ 20’ 10’ 10’ 85 20 Testchambertemperature incl. In other test procedures, products are exposed dry corrosive gas atmosphere containing sulfide, nitrogen and sulfur oxides or chloride gas. Environmental Tests All WAGO products meet the requirements the following environmental tests: • Temperature Cycling Test per IEC/EN 60947-7-1, IEC/EN 60998-2-2 • Industrial Atmospheres per ISO 6988, IEC/EN 60068-2-42, IEC/EN 60068-2-60 The rated current applied the test specimen during temperature rise and when the temperature has reached its maximum value; during the second half the cycle, the current zero. Depending the test severity, the specimen is exposed both these conditions several times. The test procedure usually consists of 192 temperature cycles, for example, each cycle having duration minutes (see diagram). The gas-tightness the clamping unit is verified voltage drop test. This test shows the change voltage drop over longer periods under temperature cycling conditions. Climatic chambers simulate standard atmo- spheres that could impact the long-term consistency clamping units.wago. These tests can per- formed over period four days. The voltage drop measured the end the 192nd cycle must not exceed 1.temperaturerisedueto current Test current No current applied Test current 1cycle n cycles T(°C) WAGO Rail-Mount Terminal Block Systems Technical Information Tests and Testing Procedures per IEC/EN Standards (continued) The following tests show how product reacts when exposed aggressive environment