Technical Section WAGO

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Vydal: WAGO Elektro spol. s r.o.

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wago. Zones 2 following special testing Zone 0 “nA” “nC” “nR” IEC 60079-15 EN 60079-15 Equipment protection type protection “n”: Electrical equipment group for use areas which explosive mix- ture gas, vapor mist unlikely occur during normal operation and, if does, will for short period. documented accordingly the system description Zones 2 following special testing Zone 0 Continued General Technical Information Electrical Equipment Used Hazardous Areas . Zones 2 “i” IEC 60079-11 EN 60079-11 Equipment protection intrinsic safety: Power circuit which sparks thermal effects can occur and cause the ignition certain explosive atmosphere. Zones 2 IEC 60079-25 EN 60079-25 Intrinsically safe electrical systems “i”: Assembly interconnected electrical equipment which the circuits intended for use, whole part, hazardous environments are intrinsically WAGO Rail-Mount Terminal Block Systems Technical Information for Applications Ignition Protection Categories Symbol Standard Explanation Application Area “o” IEC 60079-6 EN 60079-6 Equipment protection oil immersion: Electrical equipment parts such equipment are immersed oil. Zones 2 “q” IEC 60079-5 EN 60079-5 Equipment protection sand filling: Filling the electrical equipment housing with fine grain sand prevents the ignition surrounding explosive atmosphere electric arc gener- ated the housing. Zones 2 “d” IEC 60079-1 EN 60079-1 Equipment protection flameproof enclosures: The parts that could ignite explosive atmosphere are encapsulated a housing, which will withstand the explosion pressure within the housing. Zone 2: “m” IEC 60079-18 EN 60079-18 Equipment protection cast encapsulation: Dangerous electrical equipment embedded cast mass. Zones 2 “p” IEC 60079-2 EN 60079-2 Equipment protection pressurized enclosure: The ingress the external (explosive) atmosphere into the electrical equipment housing prevented maintaining protective gas internally at pressure above that the external atmosphere. This corre- sponds approximately the known special protection type. Zones 2 “eb” “ec” IEC 60079-7 EN 60079-7 Equipment protection increased safety: Additional measures applied achieve increased security against the possibility excessive temperatures and the occurrence arcs or sparks.34 www