Technical Section WAGO

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2. The mark applied products intended for the European domestic market; with it, manufactur- ers declare that the marked electrical equipment conforms with the applicable requirements set out in the Community harmonization legislation (EU Directives), which allows such equipment carry this WAGO Rail-Mount Terminal Block Systems Technical Information CE Marking and Directives WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH Co. 6. In the unanimous opinion expressed the Ger- man electrical industry, including WAGO Kon- takttechnik GmbH Co. The manufacturers machines systems are required this directive use safe products and components their machines and systems. 3. Products both groups must comply with the ATEX Directive. ATEX Directive Explosion Protection The ATEX Directive defines the rules for products (devices and protective systems) intended for use in hazardous locations. Details about the materials used WAGO are available our cata- logs, our product packaging and our Web page. The data sheets the technically sound products that, according the regulations, are not CE marked will refer the standards used the development and type and manufacturing testing wherever possible.2 www. number products from WAGO are designed for use hazardous areas. Therefore, this directive usually does not apply to WAGO products. more than one directive applies product, the product must comply with all applicable directives. The individual technical details are specified according the New Approach using lists with cross references to applicable standards (so-called harmonized stan- dards). Here, building products are defined products or construction sets which are produced built permanently into structures and which make sig- nificant contribution fulfilling the basic require- ments for the structure. KG, products used gen- eral installation technology are not included among these types building products and are therefore not covered this directive. The basic safety requirements apply to the protection health for humans and animals and electrical safety line with the Low Voltage Directive, but without the application the voltage limit. WAGO products covered the Radio Communications Directive indicate, compliance with applicable laws, only the Radio Communication Directive their EU Declaration Conformity, fulfillment the Low Voltage Directive and the EMC Directive is implicit this declaration. The original intention this mark was support the authorities the member states their market supervision, with the mark acting sym- bol free movement products within the EU. Radio Communications Directive The Radio Communications Directive applies all devices that properly transmit receive radio waves for wireless communications and/or radio orientation. The LVD doesn’t apply basic components. Construction Products Regulation The Construction Products Regulation demands that structures designed and constructed such that the safety humans, property and animals is not endangered and that all applicable environ- mental protection requirements considered. CE Conformity Marking The conformity marking consists the characters “CE” with the following script: Communauté Européenne (European Community) . Low Voltage Directive (LVD) The safety electrical equipment guaranteed by the Low Voltage Directive (LVD). 5. Based potential hazards, the ATEX Directive makes distinction between three different equip- ment groups, which Group and III are subdi- vided into further zones. Suitability WAGO prod- ucts for the different groups and zones outlined in the specific product documents (catalogs, Inter- net site, data sheets and product inserts). The LVD cov- ers all electrical equipment operating with volt- age between VAC and 1000 VAC and between 75 VDC and 1500 VDC. According Directive 765/2008, product can only given the mark the product require- ments are defined least one appropriate EU directive. products are developed, tested and marked accordance with legally valid international standards and laws. This directive regulates the use hazardous sub- stances electrical devices and components, with the aim reducing the quantity problematic components electrical waste. addition, the EMC protection goals the EMC Directive must also fulfilled and efficient use radio frequencies ensured. Only the basic requirements for achieving the defined aim the directive are laid out each respective directive. Examples such directives are the Low Voltage Directive, the EMC Directive, the ATEX Directive, the Building Products Directive and the Machinery Directive. Electromagnetic passive components compo- nents with direct function, such terminal blocks, resistors, diodes, capacitors, switching relays cables (in the form passive printed cir- cuit boards) are not considered apparatus within the meaning the EMC Directive. Significance Mark for WAGO Products One, several none the Directives may apply the various WAGO products. 1. Direc- tive-compliant production and safe operation is facilitated the use WAGO products, with their standard-compliant, up-to-date design. Machinery Directive The Machinery Directive applies machines (complete incomplete) which perform their func- tions means other than direct human animal work, safety components for these types of machines. All other products are provided with the CE mark either directly the product, its pack- aging the documents included with the prod- uct and declaration conformity issued, or made accessible the customer. Products falling within the scope the Low Volt- age Directive that are designed such way that they can used other electrical devices, and whose safety, for the most part, dependant on how these components were built into the end product and what features the end product has, are defined basic components accordance with the Low Voltage Directive. The RoHS Directive also applies electrical equip- ment covered the Low Voltage Directive. EMC Directive The EMC Directive stipulates that product must meet the limits radiated electromagnetic distur- bance and also requires that product must be immune electromagnetic interference. Such components include rail-mount terminal blocks for use haz- ardous areas. 4.wago. Further- more, declaration conformity must not be issued. These may either devices that can used as equipment these types areas, components that are required for safe operation, but which do not fulfill dedicated function. none the directives apply, the marking will not affixed to the product, line with applicable laws