Technical Section WAGO

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5 h 2h 2h 2h 3h 3h 12h 6h WAGO Rail-Mount Terminal Block Systems Technical Information This test similar the test performed atmospheres with varying water condensation, except that instead industrial atmospheres, salt mist conditions will simulated heated test chamber (see picture). The dwell time depends the thermal capacity the test speci- men and should between maximum and minimum min and the transition time min, less than s. In process technology, for example, terminal block exposed even quicker changes temperature. In addition the salt spray tests, the damp heat test also used for marine approvals. The mechanical and electrical properties the product are checked at the end the test. Salt spray tests are widely used, especially for marine approvals. Depending the test procedure being used, the test specimen sprayed with salt mist for 16 hours 672 hours weeks). Without air-conditioning, distribution panels and terminal boxes are exposed seasonal (and ever-changing) temperature extremes espe- cially the open field side. Voltage drop measurements are used evaluation criterion.wago. Functional tests are performed defined times during the storage period. This test determines the suitability electrical equipment for use and storage under conditions high relative humidity when combined with cyclic temperature changes and, general, producing condensation the surface the specimen.23 www. • Salt Spray Test per IEC/EN 60068-2-11; DNV GL, (Marine Applications) • Quick Change Temperature per IEC/EN 60068-2-14 • Damp Heat, Cyclic (12 Hour Cycle) per IEC/EN 60068-2-30, DNV GL, (Marine Applications) . For this test, the specimens are subjected temperatures varying cyclically between +25°C (+77°F) and +55°C (+131°F) with relative humidity 95% (for tolerances see figure). However, this test performed differently than the test procedures described previously for general applications: During typical test, the test specimen sprayed with salt solution for two hours and is then stored for seven days atmosphere with relative humidity between and TB B A TA A: Beginning first cycle B: End first and beginning second cycle 1st cycle Temperature in the test chamber Time t ≤ t1 10 ≤ t1 10 t1 t2 6 48 42 36 30 24 18 100 90 80 60 55 50 40 30 25 20 10 relative humidity (%) Functionaltest Functionaltest Functionaltest Specimenconnectedandswitchedon Specimenconnectedandswitchedoff exceptforfunctionaltests Hours(h) 1cycle=24h ± min 96% Temperature (°C) 1cycle=24h 15min 80% 90% 95% 95% +57°C +53°C +28°C +22°C ± 0. To simulate such conditions, the test specimen exposed to repeated temperature changes, for example, between −40°C (−104°F) and +70°C (+158°F).5 h ± 0. The mechanical and electrical properties the product are checked at the end the test. This procedure repeated four times