Lightning protection guide by OBO

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Last revision 2020


Strana 48 z 288

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6 per km² (doubled: ≤ 3.Cost-effectiveness without lightning protection system Annual costs a lightning strike (fire, surge voltage damage) x-reduced occurrence probability (lightning strike into the building) x Likelihood occurrence (lightning strike into the building) = Annual costs without protection measures Cost-effectiveness with lightning protection system Annual costs a lightning strike (fire, surge voltage damage) x-reduced occurrence probability (lightning strike into the building) + Annual costs: inspection, maintenance, in- terest and repairs = Annual costs with protection measures Risk management Cost comparison Example (lightning damage building without light- ning protection system) • Value building with contents: €500,000 • Lightning strikes per year: 1.015 every 65 years)/theoretical value Annual costs unprotected building • €500,000 0.015 (total loss) €7,500 per year Example (lightning damage building with light- ning protection system) • Value building with contents: €500,000 • Lightning strikes per year: 1.0022 €1,000 per year Calculation costs for the lightning protection sys- tem • Costs lightning protection system: €10,000 • Costs/depreciable life (20 years): €500 per year • Annual interest incurred due investment (5%): €500 • Annual maintenance costs for the lightning protec- tion system (5%): €500 • Total annual cost lightning protection system: €1,500 Annual costs with protective measures (including costs lightning protection system) • Annual damage: €1,100 per year • Total annual cost lightning protection system: €1,500 • Total costs: €2,600 per year Example Through suitable lightning protection measures, annu- al costs can reduced €4,900.2 14% / 1,000,000 4,827 0.6 per km2 • Building size: long, wide, high • Interception area: 4,827 m² Likelihood lightning strike • 3.0022 every 462 years) Annual damage protected building (not including costs lightning protection system) • €500,000 0. TBS Blitzschutz-Leitfaden 2018 / en / 2020/01/10 14:42:40 14:42:40 (LLExport_02613) / 2020/01/10 14:42:54 14:42:54 48 Chapter General introduction .2 1,000,000 m2 x 4,827 m2 = 0.14) • Probability risk occurrence: 3.2 per km²) • Building size: long, wide, high • Interception area: 4,827 m² Likelihood lightning strike • Lightning protection class 86% protective im- pact Residual risk 14% (0