1 IEC 60364-5-54: "For protection
and function purposes, earthing systems may used
together separately, according the requirements
of the electrical system.
Section 542.4.
2. Con-
struction companies must allow the supervision the
installation and acceptance the earthing system by
electrical and lightning protection specialists.1.4.
The following infringements the rules technology
are specified 319 "Causing danger during con-
struction work" the German Criminal Code:
The earthing system part the electrical system.
3.1 Basic principles
The earthing system the basis for the safe function
of every electrical system and its protection devices.
Chapter The external lightning protection system
. The earthing resistance of
the system should small possible (less than
10 and must coordinated with further protective
measures and switch-off conditions. It
ensures operation and protects people against haz-
ardous currents. Buildings with systems and data
cabling have high requirements for electromagnetic
compatibility measures (EMC). Whosoever, engaging profession trade, vi-
olates generally accepted engineering standards in
the planning, management execution project
to install technical fixtures structure modi-
fy installed fixtures this nature and thereby en-
dangers the life limb another person shall in-
cur the same penalty. The protection requirements
must always have priority. Whosoever, cases under subsections (1) and (2)
above, acts negligently and causes the danger neg-
ligently shall liable imprisonment not exceed-
ing two years fine. addi-
tion, the responsible specialist must stated the
prescribed documentation.
The equipotential bonding based the earthing sys-
tem fulfils the following functions:
• Protection against electric shock IEC 60364-4-41
• Protective equipotential bonding IEC 60364-5-54
• Lightning protection equipotential bonding IEC
• Energy systems and surge protection IEC 60364-
• Low-voltage electrical installations IEC 60364-5-
• Data cabling and shielding 50310
• Electromagnetic compatibility EMC Directive
2004/108/EC (EMVG)
• Antenna earthing IEC 60728
• Application equipotential bonding and earthing in
buildings with information technology equipment ‒
EN 50310
• Electrical installations residential buildings DIN
• Foundation earth electrodes‒ DIN 18014
In Germany, the foundation earth electrode new
buildings must meet the requirements DIN 18014
and the technical connection conditions (TAB) the
power supply generator (VNB).
Only electrical lightning protection specialists may
install, check and accept the earthing system. Whosoever causes the danger negligently, shall be
liable imprisonment not exceeding three years or
a fine
The earthing system thus represents safety-relevant
part, and installation only permitted performed by
an electrical lightning protection specialist.
2.2 Normative requirements
The earthing system creates the electrical connection
to the surrounding earth.2. ensure the EMC
shield and personal protection, meshed equipoten-
tial bonding and low-ohmic earthing system integ-
rated the structure are required. Whosoever, the planning, management execu-
tion the construction the demolition struc-
ture, violates generally accepted engineering stand-
ards and thereby endangers the life limb an-
other person shall liable imprisonment not ex-
ceeding five years fine