Lightning protection guide by OBO

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Last revision 2020


Strana 280 z 288

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Surge voltage A surge voltage voltage occurring briefly between conductors between conductor and the earth which exceeds the highest permissible operating voltage value long way, but does not have the operating frequency. Mounting video Videos mounting the surge protection devices at: https://www. Residual voltage (Ures ) The peak value the voltage across the terminals the surge protection device during immediately follow- ing the passage the arrested surge current. It contains least one nonlinear component. SPD Surge protection device (arrestor). can arise due thunderstorms, earth faults and short circuits. the rating the fuse before arrestor higher than the maximum permissible back-up fuse rating for the arrestor elements (see device technical data), the arrestor must fused selectively with the required value. Surge protec- tion device (SPD) A device intended for the limitation transient surge voltages and arresting surge voltages. Test pulse 1. Transient surge voltage (TOV) Temporary surge voltages are short term (i. Temperature range The operating temperature range specifies the upper and lower temperature limits between which the flawless functioning surge protection device guaranteed. The magnitude the line follow current depends the supply line from the transformer the arrestor. Line follow cur- rent quenching (If ) The follow current also called network follow current the current which flows through the surge protection device after arresting operation and supplied the network. Test pulse 10/350 Surge arrestor, type 2 SPDs that can arrest surge voltages caused remote nearby strikes switching operations. Surge arrestor, type 1 SPDs, which, due their special structure, are able arrest lightning currents partial lightning currents dur- ing direct strikes. temporary) surge voltages, which may occur due errors within the medium and low-voltage network. Surge protection devices are also commonly referred "ar- restors".2/50 8/20 Transmission frequency (fg ) The transmission frequency the maximum frequency which the insertion loss resource still below 3 dB. Protection level (Up ) The protection level the maximum instantaneous voltage the terminals the surge protection device prior to Differentiation: LPL LPC lightning protection class LPZ lightning protection zone LPS lightning protection system Important: Standardised terminology for technical terms/abbreviations TBS Blitzschutz-Leitfaden 2018 / en / 2020/01/10 14:42:40 14:42:40 (LLExport_02613) / 2020/01/10 14:42:54 14:42:54 280 Chapter Small surge voltage ABC . This can voltage value or the effective value sinusoidal Back-up fuse before the ar- restors A back-up fuse must fitted before arrestors. Equipotential bonding Electrical connection bringing the bodies electrical equipment and extraneous conductive parts the same or similar potential. Nominal cur- rent (In ) The nominal current the maximum permissible operating current which can continuously passed through connection terminals marked with that value. The follow current differs considerably from the permanent operating current. Equipoten- tial busbar (PAS) A terminal rail, intended connect the protective conductor, the equipotential bonding cable and, neces- sary, the conductor for function earthing with the earthing cable and the earthers.e. Test pulse = 8/20 Surge arrestor, type 3 SPDs used for the surge voltage protection individual consumers groups consumers and used directly at the socket.Term Standard text Nominal voltage (Un ) The nominal voltage the voltage value for which resource designed