3. The best lightning and surge protection
concept useless unless every electrical and metal
line entering the building the protection circuit in-
cluded the protection concept. the surge arrestor
can only fitted after the RCD, surge-current-proof
RCD must used.3.
Protection circuit around electronic device
Circuits that need incorporated into the equipo-
tential bonding system:
• Power supply lines
• Network and data cables
• Telecommunications cables
• Antenna cables
• Control cables
• Metallic pipes
(e. Suitable protection concepts must agreed
upon jointly planners, lightning protection engin-
eers, electricians and the operator/client.g. water and drainage pipes)
The cables must incorporated into the local equi-
potential bonding system either directly using suit-
able arrestors. When implement-
ing surge protection concept necessary ob-
tain information the devices and system compon-
ents protected and, where possible, gather them
into lightning protection zones (LPZs). Here, the three ex-
ternal conductors are connected the neutral wire
via the surge arrestors and insulating N-PE spark
gap used the earthing line.6 Protection circuit
Only effective protection circuit providing uninter-
rupted surge protection can prevent dangerous poten-
tial differences devices/systems. this way, the surge current
is arrested earth first, preventing accidental tripping
of the RCD. According IEC 60364-5-53, use up-
stream RCD the network only permitted
in the case the circuit”.
3. The stipula-
tions insurance companies and network operators
should also taken into account. struc-
tural fire safety must taken into account and
tailored one another right from the planning stage. ensure
maximum availability, surge arrestors must fitted
upstream the RCDs.2.2.2.
Chapter The internal lightning protection system
Requirements laws such the German state build-
ing regulations and the current standards must ob-
served.4 Versions
In building structures and electrical systems, meas-
ures for lightning and surge protection and e.3.1 Installation with residual current devices
For fraction second, surge protection devices
generate all-pole equipotential bonding