Lightning protection guide by OBO

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Last revision 2020


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Lightning protection equipotential bonding system The lightning protection equipotential bonding system important element for reducing the risk of fire explosion the area/building protected. Volume resistance per path, series resistance The volume resistance per path the ohmic resistance increase per wire produced the use the surge voltage protection device. Lightning surge cur- rent (Iimp ) The lightning surge current (lightning current carrying capacity per path) standardised surge current curve with the waveform 10/350 μs. TBS Blitzschutz-Leitfaden 2018 / en / 2020/01/10 14:42:40 14:42:40 (LLExport_02613) / 2020/01/10 14:42:54 14:42:54 279 Chapter Small surge voltage ABC .TBS Blitzschutz-Leitfaden 2018 / en / 2020/01/10 14:42:40 14:42:40 (LLExport_02613) / 2020/01/10 14:42:54 14:42:54 Chapter Brief glossary surge protection Term Standard text Arrestor (SPD= surge protect- ive device) Arrestors (in the standard surge protection devices (SPD)) consist voltage-dependent resistors and/or spark gaps. Lightning protection zone (LPZ) The term lightning protection zone (LPZ) describes individual area which the electromagnetic environment the lightning defined and brought under control. Through its parameters peak value, charge and specific energy reproduces the load produced natural lightning current. transitions between zones, all cables and metal components must incorporated into the equipotential bonding.g. At this test voltage, the surge protection device must respond ten times when exposed ten loads. Cut-off unit The cut-off unit cuts the SPD off from the mains/earthing system case overloading, prevent a risk fire while the same time signalling that the protection device has been switched off. Error current protec- tion device (RCD) Device protect against electric shock and fires (e. Type 1 lightning current arrestors (previously requirement class must able arrest such lightning currents without being destroyed. 100% response light- ning impulse voltage The 100% response lightning impulse voltage the value the lightning impulse voltage 1. LPZ See “Lightning protection zone” Nominal discharge current (ln ) Peak value the current flowing through the SPD with the wave shape 8/20. Short-circuit resistance The surge protection device must able conduct the short-circuit current, until either interrupted the device itself internal external cut-off unit the mains-side over-current protection (e. Both elements can connected either series parallel, used individually. Insulation coordination The insulation and the maximum voltage resistance (insulation resistance) the electrical system ensured through the use SPD with lower protection level (voltage limit). Lightning protection system (LPS) The term lightning protection system (LPS) refers the entire system used protect room build- ing against the effects lightning strike. The lightning protection equipotential bonding produced using equipotential bonding cables SPDs that connect the external lightning protection system, metal components the building space, installations; extraneous conductive parts and the electrical energy and telecommunication systems, with each other. SPDs protect other electrical equipment and systems from surge voltages and insulation failure. Arrestor measured- voltage Uc In SPDs without spark gap, the measured voltage the maximum permissible effective value of network voltage the arrestor terminals. used classify the testing of surge arrestors type (formerly requirements Class C) Nominal frequency (fn ) The nominal frequency the frequency device given the manufacturer for normal operation. Response time (ta ) The response time essentially characterises the response behaviour the individual protection ele- ments used SPDs.2/50 µs, causing the SPD switch. Depending the rate rise the surge voltage du/dt surge current di/dt, response times can vary within specific boundaries.g. The measured voltage can applied constantly to the arrestor without changing its operating characteristics. back-up fuse). the "former" protection switch currently called RCD (Residual Current Device)). refers both external and internal lightning protection