Lightning protection guide by OBO

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Last revision 2020


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5.5) With its Guide No.V. 1. Note A precise calculation involving numerous other para- meters must carried out the form risk ana- lysis accordance with IEC 62305-2. • The damage structure due lightning strike can also influence surrounding structures the en- vironment (e. 1.4 Empirical lightning protection classification of buildings One way determining the necessary lightning pro- tection classes through the use statistical data. this case, the required lightning protection class should either be specified the authority determined through calculation.g. TBS Blitzschutz-Leitfaden 2018 / en / 2020/01/10 14:42:40 14:42:40 (LLExport_02613) / 2020/01/10 14:42:54 14:42:54 47 Chapter General introduction .5: Excerpt from Directive VdS 2010: Recommendation property insurers for lightning protection classes 1. supports the decision whether and how lightning protec- tion system erected Germany.2 Costs with lightning protection system In building where lightning protection measures have been taken, the likelihood damage (lightning strike the building) occurring smaller.5 Cost-effectiveness calculation for lightning protection systems In buildings where danger posed humans, the need for lightning protection measures can as- sessed according purely economic criteria.7.7. the other hand, this needs be compared with the cost lightning protection sys- tem, and the reduction damage that would be achieved installing it. In Germany, the German Insurance Federation publishes Directive VdS 2010 (risk-oriented lightning and surge protection) which offers help classifying buildings in this way.7.TBS Blitzschutz-Leitfaden 2018 / en / 2020/01/10 14:42:40 14:42:40 (LLExport_02613) / 2020/01/10 14:42:54 14:42:54 Application Lightning protection class according IEC 62305 Computer centres, military applications, nuclear power stations I Ex zones industry and the chemicals sector II Photovoltaic systems III Museums, schools, hotels with more than beds III Hospitals, churches, storage facilities, meeting places accommodating more than 100/200 people III Administrative buildings, sales points, offices and bank buildings over 2,000 III Residential buildings with more than apartments, multi-storey buildings over high III Photovoltaics kW) III Table 1.7. • Lightning protection measures are required accord- ing statutory requirements. (Table 1.7. The annual costs are determined multiplying the (now lower) probability lightning strike with the likely damage that lightning strike would cause the property, and the annual costs the lightning protection system.3 Comparing the costs lightning damage in buildings with and without lightning protection system The cost-effectiveness lightning protection meas- ures assessed comparing the annual costs for an unprotected building with the annual costs for a protected building.1 Costs without lightning protection system In building where lightning protection measures have been taken, the annual costs are determined by multiplying the probability lightning strike the building with the damage that lightning strike is likely the property. "Legal and standardised prin- ciples for lightning protection structures", VDB (Verband Deutscher Blitzschutzfirmen) e. 1. the one hand, necessary consider the likelihood of a lightning strike and the cost the damage that this would cause. spread fire, explosion, chemical or radioactive emissions).5. Lightning protection measures are always required when: • responsible authority demands them.5. 1