Lightning protection guide by OBO

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Last revision 2020


Strana 183 z 288

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3.g.2 Types surge voltages Transient, temporary and permanent surge voltages represent the three primary types surge voltages.1. 3.TBS Blitzschutz-Leitfaden 2018 / en / 2020/01/10 14:42:40 14:42:40 (LLExport_02613) / 2020/01/10 14:42:54 14:42:54 Example split Earth System: 50%–50% i kA; Ohm U 50,000 Ohm 50,000 V U Surge voltage i Lightning surge current R Earthing resistance The voltage resistance the components ex- ceeded and uncontrolled arcing occurs.1. U1 Between phase (L1) and neutral conductor (N) U2 Between phase (L2) and neutral conductor (N) U3 Between phase (L3) and neutral conductor (N) U12 Between phase (L1) and phase (L2) U23 Between phase (L2) and phase (L3) U31 Between phase (L3) and phase (L1) Effect break neutral wire: neutral point displace- ment case asymmetry 3. 3. The voltage exceeds the maximum permissible nominal voltage, electronic devices are damaged and installed surge protection devices cannot protect against these long-lasting mains frequencies. For example, a break neutral cable can generate impermiss- ible increase voltage the three-phase power sys- tem. The safety and installation standards IEC 60364 additionally stipulate that surge voltage protection measures are required important protective measure low-voltage systems.2. These surge voltages simulate surge currents (8/20 μs). Sources include e.2 Static discharges (ESD: Electrostatic discharge) Electrostatic discharges are caused friction. However, it can interfere with and destroy electronic compon- ents.2. motors, ballasts and industri- al loads.2.2.2. Mains frequency faults this kind can last for between sev- eral seconds and several hours.2. TBS Blitzschutz-Leitfaden 2018 / en / 2020/01/10 14:42:40 14:42:40 (LLExport_02613) / 2020/01/10 14:42:54 14:42:54 183 Chapter The internal lightning protection system . Only surge arrestors can safely arrest these dangerous voltages. They are the most common cause surge voltages.1 Switching operations (SEMP: Switching electromagnetic pulse) Switching operations occur due the switching of large inductive and capacitive loads, short circuits and interruptions the power system.3 Planning methods Part the lightning protection standard IEC 62305 describes how protect electrical and electronic sys- tems. 3.1 Transient surges voltages Transient surges are short-lived surge voltages lasting for matter microseconds.2. Equipotential bonding necessary here avoid this charge separation. Lightning and switching operations generate large transient surges that can be prevented with surge protection devices.2 Temporary and permanent surge voltages Temporary, transient, surge voltages occur due to faults the mains power supply.2. When a person walks carpet, charge separation occurs – this instance, harmless humans. 3