Lightning protection guide by OBO

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Last revision 2020


Strana 184 z 288

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• Economic, easy plan individual protection concept for new and old buildings and reconstruc- tions. shielding against LEMP LPZ Zone inside the building.3. • Reduction malfunctions due magnetic fields. Low partial lightning energies possible LPZ Zone inside the building.3. Direct lightning strike, shielding against electromagnetic interfer- ence pulses LEMP (Lightning Electromagnetic Pulse) LPZ Zone protected external lightning protection system. order achieve this, a building's entire energy network split into lightning protection zones. Equipotential bonding created each transition from one zone another. Equi- potential bonding created each transition from one zone another. Benefits the lightning protection zone concept • Minimisation the surge voltage couplings into other cable systems arresting the energy-rich, dangerous lightning currents directly the building entry point and the cable’s point transition between zones.2. Low surges possible LPZ 3 Zone inside the building (can also the metal housing consumer) interference pulses through LEMP surges Division the building into lightning protection zones (LPZ) TBS Blitzschutz-Leitfaden 2018 / en / 2020/01/10 14:42:40 14:42:40 (LLExport_02613) / 2020/01/10 14:42:54 14:42:54 184 Chapter The internal lightning protection system . Metal parts are connected directly the equipotential bonding, while surge pro- tection corresponding the relevant requirements class (type installed between the active conductors and the earth potential.1 Lightning protection zone concept The lightning protection zone (LPZ) concept described in the international standard IEC 62305-4 has proved to practical and efficient. LPZ A Unprotected zone outside the building. Metallic parts are connected to the equipotential bonding directly. • Local equipotential bonding within the protection zone. A zone area building section which all equipment requires the same level protection. The lightning protection zone concept based the principle gradually reducing surges safe level before they reach ter- minals and cause damage