IGUS (en)

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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

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P CDA.1 CFXL16.P4.1.2.P10.1 CFXL12.1 CFXL16.1 12 CFX16.1 06 CFX16.1 CFX16.10 10.1 CFXL12.2.P10.P6.P12.3.1 10 CFX16.1 CFX16.1.P12.P4.1.3.1.P8.P8.1 CFXL16.P CD.2 CD.6 6-16.3.4 4-12.1 CFXL16.2.1.P CD.igus.P10.P CD.2 CFXL16.8 8.2.P CDA.2.P CD.3.2.P12.2.1 CFXL16.2 CFXL16.3.P4. Type 06 06 06 06 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 Part No.2.3.P CD.P10.1 – CFX12.6 6.P10.P CDA.2 x CFX16.P10.3.1 CFX12.1 CFX16.2.P10.6 6.3.P CD.P4.2 CFXL16.P10.P12.1 CFXL12.P CD.4 4-12.1.2 CFXL16.P6.P4.P CD.2.12 12.P6.P8.12 1 CDA.P8.12-16.P CDA.P4.P CDA.P10.P6.P6.12 12.4 4.1/CFXL16.eu/cfx-pneumatic-hoses chainfix strain relief Clamps for pneumatic hoses 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.P12.2 CFX16.8 8.eu/chainfix CFX16 With pneumatic stacker saddles Cable diameter 6mm 10mm 12mm CFX12 With pneumatic stacker saddles Cable diameter 4mm 8mm Suitable C-profile for CFX and CFXL clamps Page 1406 Suitable C-profile for CFX and CFXL clamps Page 1406 Pneumatic hose saddle for CFX16 ● For hose diameters and 12mm ● With these options, the proven igus® chainfix strain relief system can specifically used for pneumatic hoses ● Pneumatic hoses are held securely ● hose crushing ● Infinite assembly options ● Cost-effective, compact and modular Pneumatic stacker saddle for CFX12 ● For hose diameters and 8mm ● With these options, the proven igus® chainfix strain relief system can specifically used for pneumatic hoses ● Pneumatic hoses are held securely ● hose crushing ● Infinite assembly options ● Cost-effective, compact and modular Part No.3.P CDA.P8.2/CFXL16.P6.10 10.1 12 CFX16.P12.2.P10.1 CFX16.P10.6 6-16.2.P10.1.4 4.1 x CFX12.P10.3.1 CFX16.3.P CD.1.3.P12.2 CFX12.2.P CDA.3.1 CFXL16.P8.1 CFXL16.P10.2.2 CFXL12.1.3.3 – CFX12.3.1 CFXL12.1.3 CFXL12.P10.2 10 CFX16.2.12-16.1 CFXL16.1 – CFX12.P6.1.2 CFXL16.P12.3.1 CFXL16.P10.2 – CFX12.10 10.2.1.P10.P CD.2.1 CFXL12.2.P4.3.P CDA.12-16.1 10 CFX16.P CD.1 CFXL12.2.1.3.P CDA.P10.1 CFXL16.1 CFXL12.8 12.P6.2/CFXL16.P6.10-16.3 CFXL12.1 CFXL16.3.2 CFXL16.P6.P CDA.2.1.1 CFXL16.1 CFXL16.P CDA CDA.8 chainfix strain relief Clamps for pneumatic hoses More information www.P CD.1.P8.P6.1/CFXL16.P CDA.8 12.P12.8 12.P10.P CD.1 CFXL16.P CFXL16.P12.P12.1 CFXL16.P CD.P CD.1 CFX12.2.10-16.P10.3.3.P CD.10-16.3.P CD.P10.2.P12.6 6-16.6 6-16.2.2/CFXL16.3.2.2 CFX16.P10.2.P10.3.P10.P CDA.8 8.P CD.2.1.P8.6 6-16.2 12 CDA.1 x CFX12.P CDA.12-16.4 4.P12.6 6.2.P4.1 CFXL16.3.1.P CD.1 06 CFX16.P6.P CDA.1 CFX16.2.P12.P CDA.1 06 CFX16.8 8.3 CFX12.P CD.P10.6 6.P10.10 10.3.P6.1 CFX16.2.1 CFXL16.2.1 CFXL16.P CD.P12.2 CFXL12.P ø [mm] CFX12.2 CFXL12.2.P CDA.1 10 CFX16.P4.3.P10. CFXL16.1 CFXL12.2 CFX16.P8.2.6 6.2 10 CFX16.2.2 CFXL16.1 CFX12.1.12 12.P4.P CDA.3.P CDA.10 10.10-16.2 CD.2/CFXL16.P10.P CDA.10-16.4 4-12.P4.P CDA.2 CFXL12.2 CFXL16.P8.1.P10.12-16.P8.4 4-12.1/CFXL16.P CD.1/CFXL16.6 6.1 CFXL16.P10.1 CFXL16.6 6-16.2 CFXL16.2 CFX12.1416 chainfix 1417 chainfix CFXL16.P10.1 CFX16.P12.4 4-12.P8. Type 04 04 04 04 08 08 08 08 .10 10.P10.2.3.3.P6.P10.P8.1.4 4.P6.3.P CDA.3.P4.1 CFX12.P10.1.P10.3.P4.2.P CDA.P8.P4.2.10-16.1 CFXL12.P CD.P10.P CDA.2.1 CFX12.1/CFXL16.8 12.P4.P CD.10 10.10-16.1 CFXL16.P CDA.6 6-16.1 – CFX12.P10.1 CFXL12.P CD.P CDA.2 06 CFX16.P10.1 12 CFX16.4 4.2.P8.P4.2.2 CFXL16.P CDA.1 CFXL16.P6.8 12.1.6 6.P10.igus.P10.P ø [mm] CFX16.1 CFX16.3.1/CFXL16.2.2.1 CFXL16.P CD.3