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28 ▲2) 632 E4.1 Legend Opening principle Series / product Inner height Inner width Outer height Outer width Bend radius Pitch e-chain® link Unsupported fill weight Unsupported length Long travel length Interior separation options ESD Cleanroom Quiet Price index Page Standard from from from to Suitable only limited extent Separators Full-width shelves Shelves Possible option Especially suitable E4.112 686 56 57 Technical details E4.UL-V2 / V0 ● [mm] [mm] ❍ [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg/m] FLB [m] [m] ▲ hi ø mm Bi ha Ba R mm m kg m m ■ E4.3 1001) 42 400 426 075 350 1001) 56 600 634 135 500 62.162 694 800 698 840 702 E4.000 111 6.56 662 H4.1 the modern classic for demanding applications e-chains® Crossbars every link crossbars removable along the inner and outer radius 21 140 154 038 200 30.igus.000 111 6.5 1001) 80 600 108 100 650 150 1.2 upon request e-chains® Crossbars every 2nd link crossbars removable along the inner and outer radius 32 400 423 063 300 3.5 400 80 600 108 100 650 150 1.eu/finder www.42 650 R4.5 450 162 145 200 600 195 256 656 250 1,000 200 6.eu Easy install, strong, for any application Continued .5 200 32 300 323 125 300 3.42 650 H4.32 640 R4.350 706 H4.3 200 42 400 426 075 350 300 56 600 634 135 500 62.2 400 108 100 200 500 140 252 552 250 1,000 143 6. ESD version (Electro Static Discharge) available from stock.80 ▲2) 674 E4.112 686 E4.igus.5 200 32 400 423 063 300 3.42 ▲2) 650 E4.32 640 H4.56 ▲2) 662 E4.32 ▲2) 640 E4.2 1001) e-tubes Fully enclosed lids openable along the outer radius, from one side 28 300 320 075 250 2.eu/the-chain CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.5 2.eu/ESD Find the perfect e-chain® quickly www.80 674 R4.5 400 80 100 462 108 200 513 200 1,000 111 6.2 400 112 100 600 140 102 652 200 1,000 143 6.8 450 200 184 200 600 236 260 660 325 1,000 250 450 204 184 100 563 236 160 623 325 1,000 250 450 350 315 400 800 450 540 940 500 1,000 470 600 6.5 120 28 300 320 055 250 2.56 662 R4.21 ▲2) 626 E4.igus.28 632 R4.3 200 42 300 326 125 350 300 56 462 109 497 150 500 62.igus.80 674 R4.5 450 1) Longer travels possible upon request. More information From page 142 www