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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

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[mm] TR.5 050 11.COB.Z1.0.0 ø [mm] TR.40.0 72 Bi1 Ba Bi 1 Bi 2 d2 d1 d1 d2 Ba Bi2 Bi1 Bi2 d1 d2 Bi d1 d1 d1 Bi d1 d1 d1 Ba Ba TRE.40.9 Series TRL light version the "easy"-design 12.5 050 11.COB.01.01.40. Series Pitch Links per m Series TRC enclosed design 12 34.Z0.40.Z0.00.0 89 TRL.0 TR.COB.igus.COB.PMA. mounting brackets Size Description 15 Support hook-and-loop strip Product Part No.COB.0 TR.01.Z2.30.01.3 15 058 13.PMA.COB.01.eu/triflexR .01.eu/cobot-clamps CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.Z1.050.30.0 TR.01.0 Bi1 [mm] Bi2 Ba [mm] R [mm] d1 [mm] d2 [mm] [mm] [mm] Bi1 Ba Bi 1 Bi 2 d2 d1 d1 d2 Ba Bi2 Bi1 Bi2 d1 d2 Bi d1 d1 d1 Bi d1 d1 d1 Ba Ba TRC. mounting brackets Index Description 30 Lightweight mounting bracket, size with short strain relief support hook-and-loop strip 40 Lightweight mounting bracket, size 40, with strain relief + support hook-and-loop strip plastic screw AE 40 Lightweight mounting bracket, size 40, with long strain relief + support hook-and-loop strip plastic screw AE 30 Lightweight mounting bracket, size 30, without strain relief support hook-and-loop strip 40 Lightweight mounting bracket, size 40, without strain relief + support hook-and-loop strip plastic screw AE Product Part No.PMA.40.050.6 28.5 42.COB.01.0 ø [mm] TR.0 TR.3 15 058 13.3 110 50 36 36.0 89 TRE.0 [mm] TR.0 TR.9 Product Part No.29.01.COB. 50 23 22.30.0 89 TRC.0 TR.0 34. Series Corrugatedtube nominalwidth Metric size[mm] Inner Outer Static Dynamic VE 17 16.igus.COB.PMA.01.0 TR.01.40.0 TR.40.3 15 058 13.058.COB.050. mounting brackets Index Description 40 Protector size support hook-and-loop strip + plastic screw protector Product Part No.4 21.9 Series TRE "easy" design 12 34.30.5 050 11.5 34.B 72 Bi1 Ba Bi 1 Bi 2 d2 d1 d1 d2 Ba Bi2 Bi1 Bi2 d1 d2 Bi d1 d1 d1 Bi d1 d1 d1 Ba Ba TRL.COB.17.2 200 50 *Static minimum recommended bend radius for static (fixed) installation **Dynamic minimum recommended bend radius for dynamic (flexible) laying PMA hoses overview For PMAFLEX corrugated tubes More information www.23.PMA.01. mounting brackets NW Description 17 PMA clip, nominal width support hook- and-loop strip plastic screw protector 23 PMA clip, nominal width support hook- and-loop strip plastic screw protector 29 PMA clip, nominal width support hook- and-loop strip plastic screw protector 36 PMA clip, nominal width support hook- and-loop strip plastic screw protector 48 PMA clip, nominal width support hook- and-loop strip plastic screw protector Principle sketch Part No.058.5 180 50 48 46.7 54.4 50 29 29.COB.0 72 d1 [mm] [mm] [mm]* [mm]** [m] I-PIST-17B I-PIST-23B I-PIST-29B I-PIST-36B I-PIST-48B triflex® triflex® R 996 997 triflex® Series TRC·TRE·TRL Product range Cobot universal mounting brackets triflex® Series TRC·TRE·TRL Product range Cobot universal mounting brackets Product range Standard for maximum adaptability Universal for diameters from 55mm Product range With triflex® mounting bracket and optional strain relief For triflex® e-chain® series TRC/TRE/TRL, size and 40 Product range With triflex® protector For triflex® e-chain® series TRC/TRE/TRL, size 40 Product range With PMA clip Corrugated tube systems with nominal width 17, 23, 29, and 48mm Overview triflex® e-chains® For TRC·TRE·TRL Principle sketch Part No