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Z0 TR.Z1 UR3 UR3e B TR.Z0 TR.054.066.914.836.086.Z0 UR3 UR3e B TR.30 TRE.triflex® triflex® R 998 999 Bi1 [mm] Bi2 Ba [mm] R [mm] d1 [mm] d2 [mm] [mm] [mm] Bi1 Ba Bi 1 Bi 2 d2 d1 d1 d2 Ba Bi2 Bi1 Bi2 d1 d2 Bi d1 d1 d1 Bi d1 d1 d1 Ba Ba TRC.965.igus.086.911.914.Z1 UR5 UR5e B TR.054.965.066. without strain relief Part No.0 34.966.965.Z1 UR3 UR3e B TR.966.Z0 UR5 UR5e B TR.Z0 TR.0 89 TRL.9 Series TRE "easy" design 12 34.30.911.058.30. with strain relief For UR- robot system Position 054 066 075 086 086 108 For PMA hose I-PIST-29B Part No.066.836.965.3 15 058 13.40.Z0 TR.Z1 UR10 UR10e B TR.911.Z0 TR.Z1 UR10 UR10e UR16e A ø [mm] TR.911.075. ● Safe cable management with triflex® for "universal robots" ● Easy connection with screw clips ● For TRC,TRE, TRL: and 40mm ● Suitable for PMA corrugated tube I-PIST- 29B (optional) Video available online at www.0 89 TRC. without strain relief For UR- robot system Position 054 066 075 086 086 108 Principle sketch Part No.5 050 11.Z0 TR.054.965.836.911.911.911.108.40.Z0 UR10 UR10e B TR.Z1 UR3 UR3e A TR.066.Z0 TR.914. The triflex® and sizes are perfect fit for UR3, UR5, UR10, UR3e, UR5e, UR10e and UR16e robot systems, both technically and aesthetically.965.9 Series TRL light version the "easy"-design 12.075.B 72 Bi1 Ba Bi 1 Bi 2 d2 d1 d1 d2 Ba Bi2 Bi1 Bi2 d1 d2 Bi d1 d1 d1 Bi d1 d1 d1 Ba Ba TRL.108.911.30 TRL.40 TRL.9 Part No.108.911.911.911.911.836.40 e-chains® Product range Suitable for PMA hose I-PIST-29B (optional) Principle sketch Part No.Z1 UR5 UR5e A TR. UR5 UR5e A TR.966.igus.086.911.058.Z1 UR5 UR5e B TR.30.5 050 11. without strain relief Part No.966.966.050.Z0 TR.965.Z0 UR10 UR10e UR16e A d1 [mm] [mm] [mm]* [mm]** [m] I-PIST-29B 50 triflex® Series TRC·TRE·TRL Accessories UR mounting brackets triflex® Series TRC·TRE·TRL Product range UR mounting brackets Overview triflex® e-chains® For TRC·TRE·TRL PMA hoses overview For PMAFLEX corrugated tubes triflex® mounting brackets For triflex® sizes: Ø and 40 For UR3, UR5, UR10, UR3e, UR5e, UR10e and UR16e robots Suitable for highly flexible PMA corrugated tubes (optional) Mounting brackets for "Universal Robots" UR brackets The "Universal Robots" company makes easy-to-use, lightweight robot systems.911.050.086.Z1 UR10 UR10e B TR.914.966.965. with strain relief For UR- robot system Position 054 066 075 086 086 108 Part No.965.911.914.086.40 TRE.911.igus.Z0 UR5 UR5e A TR.066.914.eu/UR_video Reliable and secure cable management for all universal robot systems Product range Suitable for TRC.058.eu/UR-brackets CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www. Connecting the system quick and easy when using the brackets. Series Corrugatedtube nominalwidth Metric size[mm] Inner Outer Static Dynamic VE 29 29.836.30 e-chains® Product range Suitable for TRC.075.Z0 TR.966.108.5 34.911.911.086.966.050.0 89 TRE.3 15 058 13.Z1 UR10 UR10e A ø [mm] TR.40.0 72 ø [mm] TR. Series Pitch Links per m Series TRC enclosed design 12 34.075.eu/triflexR .966.5 050 11.836.Z0 UR3 UR3e A TR.075.3 110 *Static minimum recommended bend radius for static (fixed) installation **Dynamic minimum recommended bend radius for dynamic (flexible) laying Certified by More information www.Z0 TR.966.3 15 058 13.054.Z1 UR3 UR3e A TR.966.965.086.911.965.Z0 TR.086.966.0.911.911.0 72 Bi1 Ba Bi 1 Bi 2 d2 d1 d1 d2 Ba Bi2 Bi1 Bi2 d1 d2 Bi d1 d1 d1 Bi d1 d1 d1 Ba Ba TRE.Z0 TR.911.965.911