IGUS (en)

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

Strana 370 z 723

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Poznámky redaktora
36 412 439 5.38 – 100 127 3. 19050.53 4. R. 12.0 Bi 14550 14650 19050 [mm] [mm] [kg/m] [kg/m] [kg/m] 14550. R.0 6. 48. R. R. 14650.74 5. 17.50 – 400 427 6.300.0 2. 31.0 14550.R.eu/R19050 e-chains®| Series 14550 Crossbars every link (crossbars removable along the inner and outer radius) e-chains®| Series 14650 Crossbars every 2nd link(crossbars removable along the inner and outer radius) e-tubes Series R19050| Fully enclosed (lids openable along the outer radius, from one side) Fill weight [kg/m] Moving end Fixed end Guide trough without glide bar Guide trough with glide bar Total length guide trough Gliding applications For travel lengths from 12m max. 11.05 – 275 302 4. 14650. 14650. 19050.64 207 235 4.0 14550. 14650. 19050.23 3. 32.44 – 387 414 5. 36.0 14550.66 – 450 477 6.35 4. Example: 14550.0 14550.94 3. R. 06.0 crossbars every 2nd link 19050. 14650.30 – 600 627 7. 25.44 3. 21. 55.0 1.0 14550. 182.0 20 30 40 50 85 60 65 75 0 1. 14650.14550 14650 19050 [mm] [mm] [kg/m] [kg/m] [kg/m] 14550.95 – 500 527 6.0 8. 14650. e-chains® e-tubes 287 314 5. 14650.63 4. 250m Note: recommend the project planning such system carried out igus®. 14650.68 362 389 5. 50.34 – 350 377 5. 14650. R.44 3.. R.84 – 212 239 4. 14650. 38. R. 28.95 4.0 14550.23 4..73 3. 51. 14650. 60.60 – 150 177 3. 14650. 15. 30. In case travels between and 12m recommend e-chain® with longer unsupported length. R.81 3.R.0 14550.74 4. 14650.42 4.30.igus.74 – 437 464 6.67 – 169 197 4. R. 14650.0 14550.04 – 537 564 6.76 – 187 214 4.0 4.00 – 512 539 6. 14650.35 4. 43. 19050.65 Part No.27 3. 07. 53. R.39 – 375 402 5.21 475 502 6.41 182 210 4. R.0 14550. R. 33. 14650.0 10 D H H - S/2 S H F = H R 98 98 91 + 50 Ba Bi Ba Bi 56 84 50 max.0 14550.33 112 139 3. 18.0 12 0 0. 19050. R.01 4.0 14550. R.53 3.0 14550.37 3. 14650.0 14550.92 5. R.53 4.60 – 425 452 6. 14550·14650·R19050|Installationdimensions Unsupported applications Short travels Unsupported length FLG FLB [m] Travel [m] Moving end Fixed end = Offset fixed end 3D CAD, service life calculation, configurators and more www.80 9. 14650.0 14550. 19050.igus. 14650. 14650. 19050.39 3. e-chains® e-tubes 50 3.64 4.0 14550.0 8.igus. 42.98 3. 14650 .0 14550. R. R.85 4. 14650.0 14550.0 14550.32 262 289 4.34 5.0 14550. R. 14650. 52. 35. R. Part No. 22.82 5.0 14550.33 3.0 14550.0 14550. R. 14650.16 4. 14650.00 87 114 3.5kg/m fill weight) *Radius not available for e-tubes Inner height [mm] 70 Pitch [mm/link] 91 Links/m corresponds [mm] 11 1,001 e-chain® length *Radius not available for e-tubes Available bend radii Complete Part No. R. R.76 4. 10.0 Steel 70 70 736 14550 14650 R19050 . 40. 14650. 19050. 14650.95 – 525 552 6. 05.62 4.igus.0 6.62 5. 14650.10 6. R. 14650.70 137 164 3.0 14550.0 14550. 19050.300.65 4.. 169.0 4.0 14550. 14650. 19050. R.5 2.83 – 462 489 6.41.57 5. R. 14650. In case travels between and 12m recommend e-chain® with longer unsupported length. 45.0 14550.0 14550.0 14550.5 1.0 fully enclosed Note: recommend the project planning such system carried out igus®. R.29 – 65 3.30 4. 055.. 14650. 26.0 14550.28 3..0 14550.04 162 189 4. 14650. with required radius (R). R. 46. 19050. R. R. 14650.0 14550.30.eu/14550 www.99 312 339 5. 14650.eu/E4light ≤62 mm 70 98 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 – 450 530 710 920 1,120 1,340 1,530 1,048 1,830 – 819 1,001 1,274 1,638 1,911 2,184 2,548 2,821 3,185 – 124 159 209 359 509 659 829 959 1,159 – *Radius not available for e-tubes 600 not suitable for long travel applications. 14650. R. 14650.00 6.63 8.28 – 337 364 5.eu/14650 www.0 14550.82 5. R.0 14550. 14650.52 3.R. R.. R. R.0 crossbars every link 14650.46 3.13 – 300 327 5.21 6.20 4.31 – 75 102 3. R.94 4. 41.09 – 550 577 7. 14650.82 – 487 514 6.27 – 55 3. R.34 3.0 3.0 14550. 398 448 498 598 698 798 898 998 1,098 1,298 336 361 386 436 486 536 586 636 686 786 655 735 815 970 1,125 1,285 1,440 1,600 1,755 2,070 The required clearance height: 50mm (with 2. 14650.0 14550.43 4.39 4.40 4.0 14550. 37. Ba Bi 13 1346 R 150* 175* 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 H D K R 150* 175* 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 6002) H2 D2 +25 K2 CL LK = S/2 K R [mm] 150* 175* 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 | E4/light 14550·14650·R19050 Product range "Light" design, large inner height More information www. 14650.49 – 125 152 3. 207. 14650.0 14550. 14550 737 14550 14650 R19050 1392 S/2 S D2 K2 S/2 H Ri H 2 LK S/2 K2 R FLB FLG 0 2.80 – 200 227 4.0 14550. 08.18 3.61 3.95 – 250 277 4. R. 14650. R. 14650. 13.R. R.07 4.30.89 – 237 264 4.0 14550. 14650.01 4. 16. Please consult igus®. 27. 23. 20.0 14550.0 14550. 14650.74 5. 19050. R19050 .0 14550.71 – 175 202 4.09 3.64 3.86 – 225 252 4.0 4.0 14550.0 5.44 7. 47. R. R.300.23 – 325 352 5.0 14550