IGUS (en)

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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

Strana 550 z 723

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Poznámky redaktora
35 168 191 830 540 2.16 137.igus.200/400 15.4 Ba Bi Ba Bi 50 max.200/500 162. TC42 .200/600 18.41 187.5 210.150/600 12.22 150 173 730 450 2. [kg/m] 400 087.250/650 650 137...48 200 223 580 250 2.29 162.07 125 148 580 320 2.125/500 12.175/600 17.200/650 162.200/400 10.175/850 20.100/850 162.1 3210.200/500 137.175/400 10.150/750 187.200/400 087.200/650 15.175/400 15. TC42 .250/400 500 10.200/500 20.5 580 310 2.1 3210.150/500 162.X 42.150/850 18.200/750 18.48 200 223 680 350 2.175/650 17. Max.100/500 10.250/400 400 12.200/600 20.125/400 11.1.250/650 650 17.1.175/400 12.5 830 520 2.200/650 137.5 580 280 2.200/650 17.150/500 137.150/500 11.100/650 12.175/400 087.41 100 123 580 350 2..150/600 20.35 168 191 480 190 2.150/600 18.250/850 850 162.48 200 223 730 400 2.5 680 390 2.150/600 137..125/750 187.5 185.5 160.150/750 15.1096 TC42 28 28-56 AR 1097 TC42 01 1102 A1 ≤ 30 ≤ 30 42.42 may used From page 616 Dimensions Dimension dependent outer radius AR twisterchain Series TC42 Installation dimensions Serie TC42 Additional parameters dependent outer radius AR Series TC42 Interior separation Intermediate link The cable-friendly intermediate link increases the strength and stability of twisterchain many times over.5 110.35 168 191 680 390 2.5 7.8 1.200/600 137.150/400 137.250/850 850 187.5 930 640 2.125/750 17.100/600 12.200/650 187.1 42.175/650 162.200/500 10.150/850 187.200/400 12.200/500 18.54 125 148 730 470 2.150/500 12..175/500 162.150/600 17.X 3210.125/400 12.35 168 191 580 290 2.100/750 15.100/650 137.38 175 198 730 430 2.150/650 137.175/500 12.175/650 18.125/750 20.29 162.0 1.5 7..175/600 11.5 480 210 2.38 175 198 480 180 2.200/600 15.125/850 17.125/400 087.100/850 17.125/750 137.5 160.150/650 17.250/400 400 162.0 5.250/850 850 18.200/850 15.125/650 137.41 187.35 168 191 930 630 2.125/650 15.5 185.125/850 162.22 150 173 580 300 2.175/600 15.250/650 650 187.200/750 20.125/850 18.125/500 11. fill weight α 180° [kg] Max.150/850 17.200/400 137.250/650 650 18.5 21 5 21 3.5 185.175/750 137.5 730 420 2.35 168 191 730 430 2.07 125 148 480 220 2.03 108 131 480 250 2.175/500 17.X 42.250/650 650 20.250/400 400 10.175/600 12.175/650 12.5 580 290 2.250/500 500 15.38 175 198 680 380 2.5 4.200/750 17. Ba Bi Ba Bi 50 max.250/850 850 17.200/500 17.250/400 400 15.200/750 137.38 175 198 930 630 2.48 200 223 930 600 2.100/400 087.250/400 400 11.250/400 400 137.175/600 137.200/750 187.250/600 650 12.250/750 750 187.29 162.5 210.150/600 11.0 1.0 .3.125/400 137.175/650 15.200/600 162.200/600 – 600 12.150/650 18. a [m/s] [m/s²] 6.175/750 17.250/500 500 137.38 175 198 830 530 2.125/650 17. TC42 .5 21 21 5 3.200/850 17.150/400 12.175/500 10. It alsoservesasinteriorseparation, dividing the filling space into two chambers.16 137.250/400 400 18.200/650 12.1 42.200/500 15.175/500 11.7 1.150/650 20.5mm Outer radius e-chain® Inner radius e-chain® Bend radius e-chain® Inner machine limit Outer machine limit Intermediate link position Nominal clearance height Add-on for bend radius Pitch Pitch [mm/link] 67 Links/m corresponds to[mm] 15 1,005 267 317 367 417 467 567 500 650 725 800 875 1,050 87.175/850 162.100/850 15.125/850 20.200/750 162..41 187.175/750 15.250/750 750 15.175/850 18.eu/twisterchain ≤38 mm 8 42 64 19. Ba Bi Ba Bi ≤ 50 Ba Bi A1 56 84 AR 100 125 150 175 200 250 [mm] A1[mm] A1[mm] A1[mm] A1[mm] A1[mm] A1[mm] 400 500 600 650 750 850 AR [mm] 400 600 650 750 850 AR= IR = R = X1 = X2 = A1= H = K = T = AR 100 [mm] 125 [mm] 150 [mm] 175 [mm] 200 [mm] 250 [mm] TC42 [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] TC42 .250/400 400 17.175/400 137.5 480 270 1.150/650 15.150/850 15.X 42.5 7.125/400 10.250/600 600 162.150/650 12.100/600 11.5 680 410 2.5 160.250/500 500 162.250/500 500 18.1 42.5 210.4.150/400 087.5 830 540 2.250/600 600 20.175/400 11.07 125 148 680 420 2.175/650 187. Ba Bi Ba Bi 50 max.5 680 380 2.150/650 162..125/600 137.175/750 18.250/600 600 17.5 480 190 2.5 930 620 2. TC42 .5 730 460 2.150/650 187.125/500 10.4 42 7.2.5 185.150/750 20.250/500 500 12. TC42 .250/650 650 162.175/650 137.250/750 750 20.200/650 20.150/600 187.200/500 11.16 137.41 187.0 2.1 A1 42 7.03 108 131 580 350 2.125/600 162.5 185.250/600 600 15.29 162.175/600 20.1 42.5.1 3210.6 1.175/850 17.54 150 173 930 650 2.250/850 850 20.150/750 137.eu/TC42 For this series the interior separation products for series E4.igus.5 210.125/750 15.100/750 137.100/650 15.175/600 162.200/400 11.175/850 187.250/750 750 17. Outer radius determines dimension A1.175/600 18.5 730 440 2.250/750 750 18.250/500 500 17.200/500 187.250/650 750 137...150/500 10.200/600 17.125/750 18.150/600 162.250/750 750 162.16 137.150/750 18.125/650 12.41 187.0 1.1 42.200/650 18.100/600 15.125/650 162.100/600 137.175/500 15.200/600 187.0 2.38 175 198 580 280 2.175/500 137..125/600 11.5 210.125/600 15.48 200 223 830 500 2.250/600 600 18.250/500 500 20.5 830 560 2.54 Max.97 100 123 480 250 2.150/400 11.250/650 650 15.54 137.100/400 10.125/600 12.200/750 15.150/850 20.29 162.150/400 10.150/600 15.200/850 20.150/750 162.175/750 162.200/400 162.5.125/850 15.200/850 162.4 42 21 21 5 7.5 3.22 150 173 680 400 2.175/750 187.250/500 600 11.250/500 500 187.200/600 12.125/850 187.175/750 20.175/600 187.150/500 15.5 185.29 162.250/500 500 11.22 150 173 830 550 2.150/750 17.5 160.22 150 173 480 200 2.250/600 600 187.125/750 162.200/500 12.250/600 600 137. fill weight α 180° 360° [kg] Max.200/850 187.175/650 20.250/850 R 100 125 150 175 200 250 H -0 +25 K Series TC42 Crossbars removable along the inner and outer radius twisterchain Series TC42 Product range Circular and spiral movements 360° More information www.3.150/850 162..4.5 160. Intermediate link Note: Outer radius (see drawing) determines dimension A1! 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.200/850 18.5 49 58 64 71 79 85 86 92 101 101 102 103 104 106 116 116 117 118 118 120 Dimension always with tolerance 2.0 3.54 108 131 680 450 2.175/850 15.250/750 850 15