IGUS (en)

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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

Strana 551 z 723

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Poznámky redaktora
400/750 750 .300/850 15.78 187.0 5.5 168 830 560 3.45 137.150/850 16.250/850 15. a [m/s] [m/s²] 8.250/750 .300/650 16.16.150/850 15.1 521.5 193 730 440 3.150/850 17.70 175 205 730 430 3.300/750 .20.400/850 R 150 200 250 300 400 H -0 +25 K AR [mm] 650 750 850 A1 twisterchain guide trough type for rotary movement on articulated robot long service life and robust: tested successfully for more than 1,000,000 cycles More information www.300/750 .1 521.0 5. TC56 .400/650 750 .5 218 730 420 3.5 5 14 14 56 28 28 5 4.5 56 14 14 28 28 4.2.400/750 750 .0 1.15.200/750 .250/850 17..1 ≤ 40/16 ≤ 40/16 56..20.250/650 16.250/850 16.250/750 ..18.1 56.1.300/750 ..0 5..300/650 – 650 13.400/750 850 15.250/850 20.70 175 205 930 630 3.300/750 – 750 .0 Serie TC56 Additional parameters dependent outer radius AR .15. It alsoservesasinteriorseparation, dividing the filling space into two chambers.5 168 730 460 3.400/750 750 . TC56 .70 175 205 830 530 3.0 2.300/650 17.300/850 16.0 2.400/650 650 20.200/750 . fill weight α 180° 360° [kg] Max.5 218 930 620 3.300/750 . Intermediate link Note: Outer radius (see drawing) determines dimension A1! 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.400/850 850 20.17.250/650 13.1 56.400/850 850 18.62 162.1 A1 56 14 14 28 28 5 4.250/750 .62 162.150/650 12.87 200 230 830 500 3.18.igus.5.5 83 97 98 101 102 103 110 113 116 117 118 124 Dimension always with tolerance 2.300/650 15.5mm Outer radius e-chain® Inner radius e-chain® Bend radius e-chain® Inner machine limit Outer machine limit Intermediate link position Nominal clearance height Add-on for bend radius Pitch Pitch [mm/link] 91 Links/m corresponds to[mm] 11 1,001 125 155 730 470 3.0 2.87 200 230 930 600 3.0 8.igus.20.X 56.300/850 17.13.X 56.56 may used From page 616 Dimensions Dimension dependent outer radius AR twisterchain Series TC56 Installation dimensions Intermediate link The cable-friendly intermediate link increases the strength and stability of twisterchain many times over.200/850 16.200/650 13. Max.54 150 180 830 550 3. Outer radius determines dimension A1..16.78 187.400/650 650 18.5.250/750 .eu/twisterchain ≤50 mm 10 56 84 24.87 200 230 730 400 3.5 193 930 640 3.250/850 18.95 137.400/650 650 16.3.1 521. fill weight α 180° [kg] Max.0 1.250/750 . [kg/m] 650 12.eu/TC56 Series TC56 Crossbars removable along the inner and outer radius twisterchain Series TC56 Product range Circular and spiral movements 360° Series TC56 Interior separation For this series the interior separation products for series E4.1098 TC56 28 28-56 AR 1099 TC56 01 1102 56.62 162.15.250/650 15.150/750 .400/750 750 .200/750 .17..250/650 12.400/650 650 15..13.1 56.300/650 18.300/750 .78 17.5 Ba Bi Ba Bi 50 max.X 56.4.300/650 13.95 384 484 584 684 884 750 900 1,050 1,225 1,450 Max.400/850 850 16.200/850 15. Ba Bi Ba Bi 50 max.3.13. TC56 .400/650 650 17. Ba Bi Ba Bi 50 max.300/850 20. Ba Bi Ba Bi ≤ 50 Ba Bi A1 56 84 AR 150 200 250 300 400 [mm] A1[mm] A1[mm] A1[mm] A1[mm] A1[mm] 650 750 850 AR= IR = R = X1 = X2 = A1= H = K = T = AR 150 [mm] 200 [mm] 250 [mm] 300 [mm] 400 [mm] TC56 [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] TC56 .5 218 830 520 3.54 150 180 730 450 3. TC56 .0 18.200/650 12.400/850 850 17.0 8.5 193 830 540 3... 150 180 930 650 3.250/750 .200/850 18.1 56