IGUS (en)

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8 A4-70 M8 8.XXX ● For all igus® aluminium SuperTrough and steel guide troughs ● Easy attachment the installation sets the machine ● Standard material galvanised steel ● Also available stainless steel* version ● Length tolerances for C-profiles ±5mm possible! Please add the C-profile length XXX shown the C-profile tables.igus. 92.8 A4-70 M10 8.8 A4-70 More information www.5 15 25 11 12 25 11 12 1.52.8 A4-70 M10 8.5 1296 1298 1326 1297 M6 8.eu/guide Guide trough C-profile Tightening torques, recommendations C-profile Part No.5 15 25 5 30 16 1.igus.eu/guide Tightening torques Recommendations for metric threads Note: All screws must tightened with torque wrench! Installation instructions aluminium SuperTrough www.igus.125 *For stainless steel material AISI 304, please add index the Part No.Steel Alu 25 4,5 10,5 XXX XXX 35 17 1,75±0,1 18 35 17 1,75±0,1 18 6. Example 92.52.5 1. Travel lengths 615m "green systems", they help save energy cost and are made with igus® e-chains®, chainflex® cables and guide troughs.52. Example: 92.8 A4-70 M12 8.125.eu/guide Assembly video available at www.eu/guide Recommendations for screw connections on igus® trough systems Recommendations for screw connections for plastic glide bars igus® steel guide troughs Thread size Screw material Tightening torque Thread size Screw material Tightening torque 10Nm 7Nm Nm 35Nm 75Nm .igus.E C-profile Easy attachment the installation set the machine C-profiles Part for all igus® aluminium SuperTrough and steel guide troughs Guide troughs Application examples igus® has experience with all kinds installations and travels. Together with the igus® accessories, they have long lifetimes even tough weather conditions, under environmental pollution areas dust and dirt 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www