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0 TB20. 1 twisterband Drum diameter ø Max.23. extension length Version number Extension L Standard colour black Order key - e-spool® compact Compact system with single twisterband with 240mm drum diameter, and 2,000mm maximum extension length, extension right Separator, for TB20.400 12mm 1) The max.4000. .09 TB12.R.2000.02) 1136 1137 SP1.01) SP1.R.igus. Interior separation for twisterband Separators for installation simply open the e-chain®, insert a cable and press the separator onto the crossbar. bend radii 24mm the inner radius and 35mm the outer radius should observed 2) The max. ● Compact, space-saving cable drum without slip ring ● Different media (power, air data and fluids) can routed together one system ● Energy supply all directions ● Space-saving and virtually "invisible" ● Very lightweight design (SP1.240.18. with the larger standard and systems, the compact e-spool® systems enable trouble-free guidance and flexible filling. you have questions about this, please contact igus®.240 series made from aluminium) ● Extension lengths and 4m ● Cables can retrospectively added changed Typical industries and applications ● Manual workplaces Workstations Assembly lines Small telescopic applications Compact, space-saving cable reel without slip ring e-spool® compact Flexible use: energy supply any direction possible Space-saving: e-chain® retracts into a compact unit Cost-effective: twisterband enables rotary movement Flexible energy supply: guidance different media one system Part No.2 TB12.240.5 44 17. e-spool® with 1 twisterband, extension right Travel length Weight 23 3. e-spool® compact With e-chain® and twisterband e-spool® compact Interior separation e-spool® compact Series SP1 Advantages More information www.R. with the larger standard and systems, the compact e-spool® systems enable trouble-free guidance and flexible filling.01.02) SPHD1.30 44 9 2 TB20.44. Separators are assembled every 4th e-chain® link.01. Simply pushed onto the openable crossbar.400.01.2 Note: The compact e-spools® for and extension are optimised for small installation spaces with smaller linear chains and twisterbands for wide range applications.R.09.400.18.01.2 Maximum cable and hose diameters: for SP1.eu/e-spool e-spool® compact Series SP1 Product range Route various media space-saving and flexible way 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www. Theatre, stage and lighting technology: the standard e-spool® does not meet the DIN 17206 guidelines for stage and theatre operations.igus.18 unassembled twisterband interior separation separators are delivered unassembled.18 TB20.hi [mm] [mm] [m] [kg] SP1.2 18 9 TB20.2000.eu/e-spool e-spool® compact The compact e-spools® for and extension are optimised for small installation spaces with smaller linear chains and twisterbands for wide range applications. bend radii 34mm the inner radius and 57mm the outer radius should observed.240 7mm and for SP1