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Poznámky redaktora
34PZB Order key Order index for colour options Black e-chains® ready ship 48hrs.05.eu/easychain Colour Order index Black Standard Silver-grey Special colour White Special colour Grey-white Special colour Colour Order index Orange Special colour Yellow Special colour Light grey Special colour .0 2050.00 upon request upon request upon request with rework upon request ≤ 1.50m 10m 1.5m with rework upon request ≤ 4.E03 E04 E045/Z045 E06/Z06 E065/Z065 E08/Z08 E14/Z14 E200/Z200 E16/Z16 E26/Z26 E300/Z300 E200.eu/easychain easychain® Technical data Overview Series Unsupported Vertical hanging Vertical standing Side mounted unsupported Rotary Zig-zag ≤ 0.20m upon request upon request upon request with rework upon request max.0 .0. 2. 100 . 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www. 100 .5m 0. Delivery time upon request! Options with order keys Examples based series E200 easychain® Options and order keys Version "E" "Z" Series Type Width index (depends Bi) Bend radius R Colour index (standard black) "E" split crossbar along outer radius "Z" split crossbar along the inner radius Order example Order key and colour examples Examples based series E200 Order example for complete e-chain® (1.* Above special colours upon request.30m upon request upon request upon request with rework upon request ≤ 3.14 Installation types, maximum travels Technical data More information www.0m) Please indicate e-chain® length number links: 1. igumid ESD Ready ship in 48hrs.34PZB 216 217 E200. Standard version - (No Camber) without pretension Reverse Bend Radius (RBR) for circular movements ESD electrically conductive material Part No. NC version Part No. Standard Part No.05.0 E200.10m upon request upon request upon request with rework upon request ≤ 1.5m with rework upon request Speed gliding acceleration gliding [m/s] [m/s2] Speed FLG acceleration FLG [m/s] 200 [m/s2] Speed FLB acceleration FLB [m/s] [m/s2] e-chain® material permitted temperature °C, igumid -40°C +80°C Mounting bracket* material permitted temperature °C, igumid -40°C/+120°C Flammability class, igumid VDE 0304 IIC UL94-V2 Flammability class, igumid VDE 0304 IIC UL94-HB FLG unsupported with straight upper run FLB unsupported with permitted sag *Also available made igumid NB.100.1S .80m upon request upon request upon request with rework upon request ≤ 1. RBR Part No.100.0 Z200.5m 0.ESD .80m upon request upon request upon request with rework upon request ≤ 1.2 .R1/R2.5m E200.50m 10m 1.R.10m upon request upon request upon request with rework upon request ≤ 0.05.0m), colour black, with mounting brackets and interior separation: e-chain® (1.31 .05.1 .0 FLG FLB NC E200.0m links + Mounting brackets set (with tiewrap plates) Order text: E200.05.5m with rework upon request ≤ 4.igus.R.00m 10m 1.0 2050.0.* Ready ship in business days* Ready ship in business days* Delivery time upon request RBR version some radii available from stock further information and the complete product range From page 130 *Average time before the ordered goods are dispatched.R.NC E200.05.5m 0.4 .00m 10m 1.5m with rework upon request ≤ 4.igus