IGUS (en)

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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

Strana 520 z 723

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*To calculate the e-chain® total length: please add the additional length direction A1, the additional length in direction and the dimension A.85 + e-chain® Insert index Insert bend radius Insert length metres TRC.135.XX.R.B TRCF.0 TR.eu/triflex-RS CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www. Protectors with screw connections or quick release Page 987 More information www.30 Limit protector Optional accessories RSE linear pneumatic retraction system RSE linear support for lateral deflection of the triflex® optional Page 1040 Adapter consoles for custom mounting options Page 1055 Axis clamp for triflex® mounting bracket Page 1058 Matching triflex® e-chain® for RSE linear e-chain® total length* = Additional length + Dimension + Additional length A6 RSE linear system (without e-chain®) + Mounting bracket + Gliding feed-through = TR.B TRCF.85.85.RSE.XX.XX.RSE linear system, ø index 85, and e-chain® (length: 2m) System Insert index TR.85.0 TRC .85.1037 triflex® R RSE linear triflex® R RSE linear A A1 A6 1036 TRC .0.0 + Protector Insert protector variant Insert index TR.30 Order text: TR.igus.R.RSE.0 TRE .RSE.0 TRE .85.0 TR.135.135.XX Default colour black R Bend radius ø index e-chains® series ø index Retraction system Series Retraction system order key e-chains® order key Complete RSE linear retraction system with TRE triflex® series.R.135.RSE. TRC.igus.135.85 triflex® RSE linear retraction system System design with matching e-chains® triflex® RSE linear retraction system Sample order retraction system including e-chain® Sample order complete TR.85.85. Please order matching triflex® R e-chain®, optional limit protector and RSE linear supports separately.eu/triflexR .0. Mounting bracket and gliding feed-through are included.85