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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
R.30 Limit protector Optional accessories RSE linear pneumatic retraction system RSE linear support for lateral deflection of the triflex® optional Page 1040 Adapter consoles for custom mounting options Page 1055 Axis clamp for triflex® mounting bracket Page 1058 Matching triflex® e-chain® for RSE linear e-chain® total length* = Additional length + Dimension + Additional length A6 RSE linear system (without e-chain®) + Mounting bracket + Gliding feed-through = TR. *To calculate the e-chain® total length: please add the additional length direction A1, the additional length in direction and the dimension A.85.B TRCF.30 Order text: TR.135.0 + Protector Insert protector variant Insert index TR.1037 triflex® R RSE linear triflex® R RSE linear A A1 A6 1036 TRC .85 triflex® RSE linear retraction system System design with matching e-chains® triflex® RSE linear retraction system Sample order retraction system including e-chain® Sample order complete TR.135.XX.85.135.R.eu/triflex-RS CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.R.0 TRC .0 TRE .RSE linear system, ø index 85, and e-chain® (length: 2m) System Insert index TR.XX.RSE.RSE.85.0 TR.0 TRE .0 TR.RSE.0.igus.igus.85.RSE. TRC.85 + e-chain® Insert index Insert bend radius Insert length metres TRC.XX.85.XX Default colour black R Bend radius ø index e-chains® series ø index Retraction system Series Retraction system order key e-chains® order key Complete RSE linear retraction system with TRE triflex® series.135.85. Protectors with screw connections or quick release Page 987 More information www.85.135.B TRCF.85.0.eu/triflexR . Mounting bracket and gliding feed-through are included. Please order matching triflex® R e-chain®, optional limit protector and RSE linear supports separately