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8/8 CD.Z1 – CFX16.3.8/8-16 CD.E.16 ≤ ø [mm] CFX16.Z1 CFXL16.Z1.8/8-16 CD.Z3 CFXL16.2.Z1 – CFX16. For the stainless steel version (material 1.4301/AISI 304), please add the part number with index .* *Average time before the ordered goods are dispatched.2.1.16 CD.8/8 CD.Z1 CFX16.16.Z3 CFXL16.1.Z3 CFXL16.P Pneumatic stacker saddles Available from stock.Z2 CFX16.8/8-16 CD.8/8-16 CD.igus.2.8/8 CD.Z2 CFXL16.Z2 – CFX16.8/8 CD.Z1 CFXL16.X.2.Z4 CFXL16.3.2.Z2 – CFX16.Z4 – CFX16.Z2 CFX16. the same time, the hoses are held securely.8/8-16 CD.Z1 CFXL16. Type 8 8 8 16 8 15 8 10 8 8 16 8 16 Standard material: galvanised steel.X.2.eu/multiclamp www.16 CDA.3.Z3 CFXL16.3.CDA.Z1 CFXL16.igus.8/8-16 CD.eu/chainfix Suitable C-profile for CFX and CFXL clamps Page 1406 CFX16 Multi-clamps, universal strain relief CFX16 Mehrfach-Bügelschellen ● Very versatile, infinite assembly options ● CFX standard clamps with standard base ● Optional CFXL clamps with wide base for increased holding force available ● Save both time and space during installation ● Cost-effective, compact and modular ● For cable diameters from 8mm 16mm Part No.8/8-16 CD.Z1 – CFX16.3.2.Z3 CDA.P CFX16. Due to high sides, the inserts generate high holding force for pneumatic hoses the e-chain® and prevent them from being crushed.8/8-16 CDA.Z1 CFXL16. Example: Part No.8/8 CD. CDA.2.8/8-16 CD. .8/8-16 CD. 1414 chainfix 1415 chainfix CFX16.2.2.Z1 CFX16. CFX.Z3 – CFX16. Easy install by tightening block Pneumatic stacker saddles for CFX and CFXL clamps ● Strain relief pneumatic hoses without crushing damage ● For pneumatic hose diameters 4mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, and 12mm ● High holding force due "all-round" grip ● The cross section pneumatic hoses fully retained ● crushing the hoses, and therefore loss hose length ● Coloured identification markings, inserts are blue ● Good price-performance ratio ● Fast assembly without checking the tightening torque CFX12.Z1 CFXL16.3.Z1 CFX16.1. Ready ship 48hrs.2.Z2 CFXL16.Z3 CFX16.2.1.Z2 CFXL16.eu/cfx-pneumatic-hoses Stacker saddles single parts Maximum cable hose diameter chainfix strain relief Clamps for pneumatic hoses New 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.2.Z2 CFXL16.16 CDA.3.Z3 x For the following igus® series Page1409 chainfix strain relief Multi-clamps More information www.igus.2.2.Z4 CFXL16.3.E Secure guidance pneumatic hoses without crushing them reducing the cross-section With new igus® clamp for pneumatic hoses, the cross section pneumatic hoses fully retained.Z4 CFX16