IGUS (en)

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igus.1 18 35 1. with the required length XXX mm.075.XXX ● For all igus® CFXL clamps ● With increased holding force even for harsh applications ● Standard material galvanised steel ● Also available stainless steel* version ● Length tolerances for C-profiles ±5mm possible! Complete Part No. Cannot integrated into KMA! Can integrated into KMA! Assembly in front KMA! chainfix strain relief Tests and proof Tensile strength tests with chainflex® cables Tensile strength tests igus® chainfix tiewrap plate with cable tiewraps igus® chainfix strain relief devices are tested the in-house igus® laboratory under real-world conditions, taking many parameters into account Whether under the influence fluids like water oil, different ambient temperatures. Example: 92.1406 XXX XXX 25 11 1.E.XXX ● For all igus® CFX clamps and KMA mounting brackets with C-profile option ● Standard material galvanised steel ● Also available stainless steel* version ● Length tolerances for C-profiles ±1mm possible! Complete Part No.E Standard C-profile Part No.42. Example: 92.5 4. Conclusion:thetensilestrengthofigus® chainfixclampsisthree times higher when compared with conventional strain relief .42.52 For increased holding force for harsh applications Always assembled front the e-chain®.eu/chainfix Standard C-profile Part No. Conclusion:thetensilestrengthofigus® chainfixclampsisthree times higher when compared with conventional strain relief igus® tensile strength test CFX clamps with stacker saddle.42. For standard applications Can integrated into KMA with C-profile option! C-profile Part No. 92.075 for 75mm.75±0.5 12 25 16 10. 92.5 12 25 11 1.eu/chainfix Comparison test three different strain relief systems.5 12 25 16 10.1 18 chainfix 1407 chainfix chainfix strain relief C-profile Optional For heavy-duty applications More information www.igus. with the required length XXX mm.1 18 35 1.1 18 XXX XXX 25 11 1.52.E.E C-profile Part No.075 for 75mm.5 12 25 11 1.5 17 35 17 1.75±0. 92. 92. *For stainless steel material AISI 304, please add index .75±0.52.42. Example: 92. Example: 92.75±0. *For stainless steel material AISI 304, please add index .5 17 35 17 1. 3D-CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.52.5 4. The interaction chainfix systems with different jacket materials cables and hoses plays big role the in-house test program.075