IGUS (en)

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1, E4. Easy installation a top-hat (DIN) rail (TS92.52/R6. Standard for many applications atmediumandlowaccelerations. Forlongtravels,cranes,offshore, machine tools, high speeds and hydraulic cables.48, E4. CFU.igus. machine tools.g.42/H4.31) or the C-profile the KMA mounting brackets. Cost-effective, fast strain relief for simpler application with small spaces and medium accelerations.eu/chainfix 3D-CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www. Stepped strain relief for use outside the energy chain cross section even with different connectors.1 E4, E6, for all KMA* with C-profile *Plastic metal mounting bracket When use this strain relief? Standard for high accelerations, loadsanddemandingapplications.1L, E4.42/R4. For applications with medium accelerations. Combination separator and strain relief, ideal for small spaces. Ideal for e-tubes. Space-saving, modular strain relief with many cables in confinedspaces.48, 3400/3500, 3450/3480, R68, R167/168, R2. For machine tools and automation.48L/R4. Easy positioning cables for a variable filling. cabinets, etc. For cables side side.Forapplications withhighaccelerationsandloads e. Forunsupported,gliding,hanging and standing applications in general machinery and machine tools.g. For both e-chains® and e-tubes. When not take them: No limitation For large cable diameters For high loads and large cable diameters For high loads For high loads For high loads limitation Properties Assembly time index Definable tensile strength Price index Modularity yes yes yes yes yes yes yes (special fabrication) Dynamics high very high high medium high high medium high very high More information www.V - with innovative honeycomb design CFN nuggets Strain relief separators CFV - strain relief element CFB - strain relief connector system Recommended standard for the following e-chains®: E4, E6, for all KMA* with C-profile *Plastic metal mounting bracket easychain®, E2/000, E2 e-tubes, E4, E6 E2. Also available as single parts for fixed applications, e. Different attachment options in front the e-chain®, strain relief can screwed from above and below.igus. Also available individual part, for example control cabinets.52 For all KMA* with C-profile or top-hat (DIN) rail 35 *Plastic metal mounting bracket E2/000, e-tubes, E6, T3 E2/000, R2.52, E6. For many cables, large cable diameters and stacked cables.– + + 1404 1405 +++ = + = + = – = igus® chainfix strain relief system CFX - clamps Tiewrap plates - bolted, clip-on CFU.42, E61.V strain relief with innovative honeycomb design for fast assembly and high holding force Openable both sides. A subsequent installation is possible. Cables with different diameters can be strain-relieved easily one layer. For small cable diameters.eu/chainfix Price index low price category medium price category highest price category best suitability good suitability suitable limited suitability chainfix strain relief Parameters Overview chainfix strain relief Parameters Overview .48L, E4