IGUS (en)

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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

Strana 663 z 723

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10 138 960.50.575 960.375 960.31.450 .50.275 .550 .525 .425 960.56/R4.50.225 .50.225 960.262 301 960.SL 974.eu/alu-guide Width index Part No.550 .325 960.50.350 960.450 960.50.500 960.675 960. 960.375 415 960. 960.525 .450 960. 960.325 .500 960.50.50.31 343 960.475 .50.47 505 960.50.50. attached inwards Part No.700 .16 193 960.55 580 960.50.275 .50.50.50 92.200 960.50.600 .50.475 .275 960.400 960.225 .50.50.250 960.12 163 960.11 148 960.18 205 960.21 251 960.550 588 960.562 600 960.225 960. 974.50.300 E6.50.275 960.400 .50.50.225 .50.56/R4. Heavy-duty version for high load applications ● This aluminium SuperTrough also available for plant manufacturing with special heavy-duty brackets for secure connection ● You can configure the heavy-duty version our online-catalogue ● Installation set Part No.50.550 .50.50.525 960.68.4 = 184 = 184 84 29 45 18 327 960.29 318 960.50.50.37 405 960.275 . .250 960.225 .212 251 960.625 .50.450 960.5m. attached outwards upon request upon request upon request Width index Part No.50.575 .262 293 960.375 .18 226 960.igus.200 960.700 .500 .50.275 960.50.575 960. 960.64L E4Q ● E4Q.400 . glide strips, with high-speed glide bars 11.50.675 .700 .50.50.64L BRi [mm] .50.50.350 .50.350 960.45 480 960.50.50.150 180 960.400 960. .200 960.500 .325 960.725 .10 130 960.50.50.375 960.50.21 243 960.40 438 960.500 .250 960. attached inwards Part No.50. attached outwards upon request upon request upon request Bottom clamp attached either inwards or outwards Full sets Full trough side part sets (2m pieces each) Part No.550 .325 960.eu/alu-guide Width index Part No.300 960.50.475 .275 960.500 960.XXX3) 74.325 .50.425 . 501 960.550 .225 960.425 960.300 960.42 455 960.50.50.50. 974.SL 974.325 365 960.50.50.12 155 960.50.425 .50.162 202 960.50.50.26 293 960.6kg 1) For additional noise dampening strip, please add index the Part No.50.50.58 E4.50.387 427 960.25 280 960.50.5 B) SLC.375 .725 .50.250 .500 .50.625 .350 .50.425 .38 426 960.550 960.50.60 638 960.087 117 960.43 468 960.20 238 960.550 960.375 .350 .11 143 960.50.05 960.400 960. 638 960.50.325 960.250 960.475 .50.56 E4/light ● 14040/14140/R18840 ● 14240/14340 E6 ● E6.225 960.50.50.475 960.400 .337 376 960.50.475 960.50.525 .450 .50.50.275 .50.50.275 960.325 .300 960.237 277 960.50 538 960.50.225 960.56 BRi [mm] .50.400 430 960.50.30 340 960.10 130 960.500 960.50.SL 974.50.450 960.50.28 318 960.50.37 413 960.62 BRi [mm] .50.50.13 176 960.50.300 .50.225 .H.375 405 960.50. glide strips and with standard glide bars still available: Part No.300 960.387 426 960.275 960.50.50.350 .250 288 960.112 152 960.400 960.325 .525 563 960. 451 960.50.50.425 .50.475 .50.23 268 960.50.550 .300 960.525 960.08kg 1 installation set with C-profile (C-profile length according dimension BRi) upon request 3) Please add the C-profile length XXX shown the tables (right side).36 393 960.700 .087 118 960.425 960.47 513 960.10 140 960.550 960.50.50. Example: 974.56/H4.650 .52.50.325 960.50.50.237 276 960.50.50.350 388 960.275 .50.525 .475 960. BRi) Basic version Bottom clamp attached either inwards outwards 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.525 .06 960.500 .250 960.50.225 960.475 960.350 .275 .225 960.625 960.50.300 .50.50.30 330 960.0kg 1 set trough side parts, incl.38kg 4) Conventional glide bar individual part, piece still available, Part No. Example: 92.375 .300 .450 .5 8 18.04kg 1 C-profile, individual (C-profile length according dimension BRi) 0.650 .07 113 960.08 117 960.50.212 252 960.igus.50.50.175 960.575 960.50.31 351 960.325 .50.52 563 960.50.512 551 960.90kg/m 1 screw 16, individual 1 glide nut, individual 1 interface connector, individual 5) Please add the C-profile length XXX shown the tables (right side).600 .725 .500 960.07 105 960.200 960.50.350 960.350 960.425 .425 .50.50.25 280 960.50.600 .50.50. Options Additional options for simple fastening without drilling Part No.362 401 960.35 380 960.425 463 960.300 960.28 305 960.350 380 960.50.200 960.375 960.50.575 613 960.275 . 551 960.275 960.450 960.625 960.300 338 960.425 .50.50.600 960.425 . Weight 1 bottom clamp, aluminium individual 0.300 960.287 326 960.55 588 960.375 960.50.50.700 .375 .700 960.05 960.400 960.50.43 476 960.50.50.575 .475 . 343 960.50.50.50.E.50.50.325 355 960.175 213 960.50.50.425 .425 960.325 .50.450 960.262 302 960.50.08 125 960.112 143 960.375 960.125 163 960.500 .400 .50.32 355 960.50.300 .48 526 960.50.50.575 .50.300 960.400 .18kg 1 glide strip, plastic, section 0. attached inwards Part No.525 .50.01 75.450 .1322 E4.475 513 960.12 165 960.387 418 960. Weight 1 installation set without C-profile 0.187 227 960.100 138 960.350 960.50.550 960.50.SL Full installation set Part No.50.50.325 960.50.SLA 2) set trough side parts, incl.25 290 960.600 .450 .300 .30.1 ● E4.53 568 960.15 180 960.27 313 960.225 263 960.eu/alu-guide Note: The inner width the guide through and the C-profile length the installation set can differ according to the bracket you choose. 960.50.350 .50.50.537 576 960.200 960.50.675 .50.400 960.50.475 960.400 438 960. .50.33 376 960. attached outwards Width index Part No.05 960.50.625 960. You can configure online www.50.375 .50.41 443 960.425 960.250 .112 151 960.40 430 960.525 960.775 E4Q.162 201 960.350 .50.312 352 960.46 501 960.175 960.200 960.450 960. 83.362 393 960.05 960.50.50.350 960.30 338 960.17 213 960.600 .50.475 .625 960.437 476 960.625 .50.50.62 for series 14040/14140/R18840, 14240/14340 E4/4HD** recommend the heavy-duty version for the 4040HD/8840HD series for heavy- duty applications.300 .375 .50.50.17 C-profile length according dimension BRi see table the right page For the following igus® series Aluminium SuperTrough 974.312 351 960.275 .50.325 363 960.22 255 960.50.36 401 960.18 218 960.50.50.4 45 45 1323 974. More information www.50.igus.50.225 .50.11 151 960.50. attached outwards upon request upon request upon request Width index Part No.625 . attached outwards .50.20 230 960.350 960.50. glide strips, without glide bars 10.50. More information page 1307 A) for series E4.675 960.50.30 330 960.07 105 960.50.087 127 960.50.5 974.250 960.50.225 960.200 960.375 960.50.38 418 960.52 555 960.275 960.700 960.23 276 960.50.50.200 960.50.50.50. attached inwards Part No.225 960.675 .50.400 960.50 960. More information page 1306 0.60 974.12 155 960. 960. 388 960.41 451 960.62 E4/4HD** ● 4040HD/8840HD ha 2 M8 x 25 ha 2 M8 x 25 M8 x 25 M8 25 Ba H Ra H Ri ≥ 2 x ha Bi BRi 4 BRa M8 20 Ba Bi BRi 4 BRa M8 25 H Ra H Ri ≥ 2 x ha 45 84 29 41 18 11.150 188 960.52.50.450 . 960.50.50.25 288 960.eu/alu-guide C-profile lengths(according Dim.20 230 960.SLH E4. 240 960.50.450 .475 .375 960.50.375 960.50.137 177 960.675 .50.50.300 960.450 .58/H4Q.51 543 960.325 . Weight 1 trough side part, section 4.525 .250 .475 960. For stainless steel AISI 304, please add index E.400 .575 . 960.225 .450 488 960.275 960.275 313 960.50.50.42 463 960.06kg 1 noise dampening strip, section 0.31.500 538 960.50.50.325 . 960.550 960.31.675 .18 215 960.80.375 .300 .275 960.58 BRi [mm] .15 190 960. . 960.50. Weight 1 set trough side parts, incl.187 226 960.275 .525 960.50.450 960.50.17 198 960.162 193 960. 1 fixed end module set attach the e-chain® into the aluminium SuperTrough.50.500 960.50.50.23 265 960.50.325 .1L ● E4.50.425 960.587 625 960.650 .50.225 960.50.600 960.50.500 .325 960.237 268 960.06 103 960.50.5 18.775 14040/14140/R18840 BRi [mm] .13 168 960.17 205 960.375 960.375 .525 .58/H4Q.650 .16 201 960.50.700 960.31.50.350 390 960.125.46 493 960.igus.300 .250 960.50.175 960.50. Example: 960.300 .50.725 . Please call us.600 960.200 960.50.350 960.400 960.50.26 301 960.425 960.212 243 960.50.250 960.550 E4.650 .53 576 960.250 .575 960.200 230 960.48 518 960.450 960.50.450 .325 .56, E6.200 960.XXX. 130 960.325 960.50.250 960.56/H4.575 960.350 . .500 .50.425 960.45 488 960.750 14240/14340 BRi [mm] . .50.200 .50.50.500 .50.50.06 108 960. attached outwards upon request upon request upon request Width index Part No.50.50.650 960.SLH Trough height: 184mm Product range Easy assemble and low-abrasion high-speed glide bar More information www.475 960.50.250 960.650 960.33 368 960.250 .50.375 960.50.475 .550 .79 Components individual parts, installation set Part No.50.275 .325 .325 .23 255 960.425 .400 440 960.50.50.56/R4.325 960.375 .500 .400 . attached inwards Part No.50.50.137 176 960.525 .50.250 .11 GB.350 960.50.94kg 1 high-speed glide bar, 0.300 .31.SLH2) 960.07 115 960.50.425 960.50.50.15 188 960.50.225 .550 960.30.50.450 960.600 960.225 960.32 363 960.50.200 Individual parts Components individual parts, trough Part No.625 960.225 .SLH 974.325 960.50.500 960.475 960.2000 75. More information page 1304 Trough clipfor guiding cables the outside aluminium SuperTrough.487 526 960.650 960.362 402 960.50.50.15 180 960.50.50.525 960.200 238 960.56/H4.50.50.300 960.50.575 .475 960.E5) MAT 0040445 20 MAT 0040413 M8 75.337 368 960.575 Alu 974.325 .550 .275 960.50.625 .350 .50.50.375 413 960.50.525 .50.50.475 .200 960.250 .500 960.50.SLA1) 974.650 .50 530 960.550 .50.50.400 .28 315 960.50.50.250 960.27 305 960.31.187 218 960.225 .50.275 960.275 .17 208 960.50.50.525 960.400 .50.625 960.675 .81.22 263 960.600 .60 630 960.275 .50.5004) 75.11 138 960.28 326 960.700 .750 . 960. 168 960.50.350 960.50. attached inwards Part No. 377 960.275 .50.600 960