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018.06.10.igus. More information www. L F L F MFG2 10.50.10000/3000 MFG2. L F L F MF 10.18. 018. 50.08. F X n/2 F 200 mm X L n/2 F n 200 2 F MFG2.5000/2000 MF.06.igus. 08.035. 10. 075.eu/microflizz Moving end (carriage) Fixed end Recommended channel lengths: 2,000, 3,000, 6,000mm Series 06: 10mm Series 08: 18mm Series 10: 50mm Series 06: 11mm Series 08: 13mm Series 10: 20mm Recommended channel lengths: 2,000, 3,000, 6,000mm Series 06: 10mm Series 08: 18mm Series 10: 50mm Series 06: 11mm Series 08: 13mm Series 10: 20mm Inner e-chain® width Bend radius [mm] Number channel pieces Travel 300 [mm]) Channel section length [mm] Total length [mm] Residual length [mm] Inner e-chain® width Bend radius [mm] Number channel pieces Travel 300 [mm]) Channel section length [mm] Total length [mm] Residual length [mm] Channel section length [mm] Total length [mm] Bend radius [mm] Inner e-chain® width Version (series) End infeed Channel section length [mm] Total length [mm] Bend radius [mm] Inner e-chain® width Version (series) 2 carriages opposite directions microflizz® asanendinfeedversionwithatotallengthof5,000mm,consistingoftwo2,000mmchannels and channel with residual length 1,000mm micro flizz® Order example End infeed Order example end infeed Calculate the number channel sections needed (n).10000/3000 MFG2.10. Then round off the result.50. micro flizz® Order example Centre infeed Moving end (carriage) Infeed module microflizz® mountedwith2opposingcarriages. 035.10000/3000 F = L = R = Bi = F = L = R = Bi = F = Bi = hi = F = Bi = hi = Bi = R = n = S = F = L = X = Bi = R = n = S = F = L = X = Calculate the number channel sections needed (n). 08.5000/2000 MF.10.10.eu/microflizz micro flizz® micro flizz® .Totallength10,000mm,distributedovertwo3,000mm channels, the infeed module (200mm) and two channels each with residual length 1,900mm Order example carriages, opposing travel 3D-CAD data, configurators, service life calculators and more www. F X L n F n L F MF.1192 MF MF 06. 018. 075.018. 50. 18. Then round off the result. 18.5000/2000 1193 MFG2 MFG2 06. 035. 10.075