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0m 6.50.7 30 9.3 225.075 075 | MF.10 e-chain® visible for illustration only micro flizz® Series MF.50 53 63 88.igus.10 micro flizz® MF.10 Product range micro flizz® Application examples 3D-CAD data, configurators, service life calculators and more www.eu/microflizz Up 10GBit/s speed 6m/s together with the power supply the micro flizz® MF.10.5 201 27 13 0 1190 1191 Bi R [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] MF.10 micro flizz® the food sector micro flizz® connecting set movable scales Aisle movements over distances 100m speeds up to 6m/s igus® micro flizz® sewage plant Guidance single cores 35mm² and FOC cables with data rates more than 10Gbit/s www.10 Product range Installation dimensions More information www.0m Cable diameter Max.5 Installation height complete system 283.8 30 20 27.eu/MF10 Part No.eu/microflizz Installation dimensions Series MF.3mm Installation width complete system 150. Bend radius Series 50 27.7mm Recommended length channel pieces (die-cast aluminium material) 2.igus.0m 3. 16mm micro flizz® .5 44.5 25 50 63 33 270.5 150.igus