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1 series Available bend radii 200 600 200 600 200 600 200 462 200 462 200 500 More series and radii upon request. guidelok For E4.645.0 guidelok horizontal Design principle Product range Series 907. roller supports pivot and out again after the radius . guidelok For E4.R.LLLL/FFFF R4.R.837.Bi.Bi.0 Part No.112 250 300 | Bi R [mm] [mm] 907.LLLL/FFFF R4. LLLL Total length FFFF Channel section length Complete Part No.Bi.eu/guidelok-HR guidelok horizontal guidelok horizontal Part No.R...R.20000/2000.eu/guidelok-HR The e-chain® guided the trough channel, pushing back the spring loaded roller supports with its radius ...Bi.56 350 400 450 500 | 907. with required value for total length and channel section length.R. .200. Delivery time upon request.Bi.LLLL/FFFF E4.1172 1173 LLLL S FFFF Bi R [mm] [mm] 907.R.300.Bi.igus.LLLL/FFFF R4. Delivery time upon request.LLLL/FFFF E4.. LLLL Total length FFFF Channel section length Complete Part No. .. Example: 907.R.20000/2000.R.Bi.645 For bend radii 300mm Bi +224 73 50 50 More information www.112 350 400 450 500 | 907.1 series Available bend radii 50 600 50 600 50 600 75 462 150 462 200 500 More series and radii upon request.56 150 175 200 250 300 | 907. Example: 907.LLLL/FFFF R4.LLLL/FFFF R4.645.LLLL/FFFF E4.837.R.80 175 200 250 300 | 907.Bi.645.igus.eu/glhr-movie Product range Series 907.80 150 175 200 250 300 | 907.igus.56 150 175 200 250 300 | 907.837.R.R. with required value for total length and channel section length.LLLL/FFFF E4.645.300.837.645.80 350 400 450 500 | 907.80 350 400 450 500 | 907..837.837.Bi.645.645.56 350 400 450 500 | 907.112 200 250 300 | 907.Bi.LLLL/FFFF E4.Bi.112 350 400 450 500 | 1 3 2 Find video online www.Bi. the upper run then lays the roller support guidelok horizontal, principle sketch: LLLL Total length FFFF Channel section length guidelok horizontal lateral supports with pivoting rollers for the upper run support of the e-chain® 3D-CADdata,configurators,servicelifecalculatorsandmore www.LLLL/FFFF R4.837 For bend radii from 350 500mm Installation dimensions Design principle horizontal guidelok guides the e-chain® special spring loaded roller supports, that are pushed back the e-chains® radius guidelok horizontal Product range Installation dimensions .645.200.LLLL/FFFF E4.R.