IGUS (en)

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Poznámky redaktora
5 70 70 520 490 380 0 250 1054 1055 triflex® triflex® R More information www.eu/consoles Adapter consoles for many robot models, from stock Also for robots needing side- mounted installation For all triflex® retraction systems and fibre-rod modules 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www. Particularly useful for multiple working programs using the same cable package.igus.595 weight: 5. Product range next page Adapter consoles for all igus® retraction systems 3D CAD data available online for download www. We also supply wide range manufacturer and model-dependent adapter brackets from stock, order adapt other robot variations.0kg Can combined with igus® adapter consoles Part No.eu/consoles Adjustment unit easily change the position the retraction system The optional adjustment unit installed between the robot arm and the retraction system, and allows accurate adjustments of the position the igus® retraction system on the robot arm. For example, many robot models are equipped from the factory with only side- mounted mounting options these cases, our adapter product range also supports simple installation the retraction systems without additional engineering.igus.907. TR.133 70 4 13.5mm).595 Application example with system ABB Series 6600 The retraction systems provide all widely used drill patterns for attachment: 380 x 70mm and 490 90mm (in 12.igus. TR.igus.907. Adapterconsolesformanyrobotmodels, from stock.eu/triflexR www. Adjustment unit for RSP and RS retraction systems Simplifies alignment for robot cells with restricted space Wide adjustment range 250mm Part No.eu/triflexR triflex® Adjustment units Accessories Adjustment unit for retraction systems triflex® Adapter consoles Accessories Adapter consoles for retraction systems