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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

Strana 528 z 723

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Poznámky redaktora
1.30.1. ▼ TR.F.8 ≈ 2.60.0* TRE.1.80 85.0800.1.F.0800.0.F.100.F.B TRC.B* TRC.F.F.30.1.F.40 TRE.F.40.2000.85.F.7 ≈ 0.85.0 ≈ 1.1.1000.0900.B/.4 Part No.1.0 TRE.1.4 475 325 3.B TRC.F.0 TRC.50 TRC.eu/triflexR Module length Easy alignment and change orientation 5 rigidly connected e-chain® links allow relative movement integrated fibre-rods The fibre-rod module guides the unsupported e-chain® the front, parallel the robot arm Completely contactless offering zero wear Fully assembled fibre-rod modules available for series TRC and TRE Additional e-chain® without fibre rods up axis 6 Universal mounting kit For TRC·TRE ● Stainless steel angle tube with attachment brackets Freely positionable The energy supply system can quickly and easily adapted new programming sequences the robot With mounting brackets for sizes and with mounting brackets starting size 70 Part No.0 TRC. ≈ 0.1.1000.40.0.0400.2000.1800.0.1.80 70.30.1800.125 TRC.B TRC.1200.50.8 ≈ 1.40.0400.B TRC.1.F.B TRC.B* TRC.1.igus.F.80 125.0. ▼ TR.100.1.1800.1.70.1000.40.F.F.100.1.1800.C1) TRC.0 TRE.1400.40.50 TRE.0600.125.0800.F.1.1.1000.F.F.6 875 575 13.1.F.1000.0 TRE.F.1.F.0.0.C1) TRC.0 TRC.B [m] TRC.0 ≈ 1.0 ≈ 1.60.80 100.1.0400.0.1600.0.B TRC.70.70 TRC.0.30.0.B TRC.50.5 ≈ 0.1.4 ≈ 1.1200.0* TRE.0 triflex® triflex® R Fibre-rod modules for directional pretension the e-chain® We supply fully assembled fibre-rod modules for triflex® e-chain® Series TRC and TRE.F.F.F.0800.0700.4 ≈ 1.100.1000.B TRC.1.8 ≈ 1.F. This results fully contactless and therefore zero-wear energy supply system, designed for moderate movements with limited rotational motion the axes.C1) TRC.F.F.85.1200.B TRC.0 TRE. The fibre-rod module guides the unsupported e-chain® the front, parallel the robot arm.0.1200.1400.85.0600.F.1.0 TRE.1.F.125.0 TRE.1000.F.1.F.8 ≈ triflex® Series TRC·TRE Accessories Fibre-rod module Universal mounting kits triflex® Series TRC·TRE Accessories Product range *Maximum recommended length for fibre-rod modules For die version, add the index .0300.1.1400.B/.F.0 TRE.F.2000.0 TRE.B TRC.F.0.1.F.0 TRE.6 ≈ 1.70.B TRC.F.1.125 TRE.F.F.0800.F.100.70.0* TRC.F.0400.B* TRC.1200.F.1.0 TRE.C1)* TRC.30.B TRC.0.0600.0800.1.100.85.C1) TRC.2000.0 TRE.1.0800.1.0.9 ≈ 0.F. ▼ TR.0.1600.B* TRC.70.F.B TRC.8 ≈ 0.2000.30 TRC.2 75 475 325 3.0.F. More information www.F.6 ≈ 0.80 50.1600.100.0.F.F. The integrated fibre- rods generate directional pretension for the e-chain®.0 TRE.F. TRE.5 75 12.0600.1.F.85.8 ≈ 0.1800.F.F.0 TRE.50.2 ≈ 1.0 TRE.1.0500.5 ≈ 0.0800.1400.F.1000.0 TRE.B TRC.0* TRE.0* TRE.1.0800.5 75 12.0 TRE.1.0 TRE.0 ≈ 875 575 13.125.1800. ≈ 1.70.1.F.1200.B* TRC.9 74 TRE.100. The bending properties the modules depends the installation orientation: only the front end allows flexible movement.125.0 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.85.1.B* TRC.F.F.1400.0 ≈ 2.F.60 TRC.0 TRE.0 TRE.8 ≈ 1.1000.1000.60.F.0400.F.3 ≈ 1.1.50.B/.0300.* TRE.6 875 575 13.F.0700. fibre-rod modules for TRC TRE Length ≈ 1.0800.F.1.1400.40.1.1.F.0700.0 ≈ 0.0.B TRC.1.0 TRE.125.50. ▼ TR.F.1.F.0 TRE.1200.1.B TRC.0.2 ≈ 1.1052 1053 D E A C B ø E [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg] 40.1.1000.85 TRE.1.1200.0* TRE.6 875 575 14. Weight Index 74 8.F.1.1400.B TRC. ≈ 1.0.0 TRE.0 TRE.C1) TRC.1.125.0 TRE.4 625 325 5.F.85.0 TRE.F.0900.1600.F.0 ≈ 0.1200.1.1.0 TRE.6 ≈ 0.1800.1.60 TRE.6 ≈ 1.F. ▼ TR.F.85 TRC.0700.F.1000.0 TRE.0 TRE.0.1.F.1. This system creates unique choice movements for the energy supply system the final axis industrial robots.0 ≈ 0.0 TRE.60.70.1.F.F. ≈ TRE.30.80 [m] TRC.1200.4 ≈ 1. Additional e-chain® without fibre-rods for the final axis area needs to be ordered separately.F.85.1600.50.0 TRE.85.B TRC.125.F.F.0.F.B TRC.40.30.B/.70 TRE.85.F.F.F. ≈ 1.B TRC.100 TRC.1.1.F. TRC.40.0.0600. ▼ TR.1.1.1200.0.60.igus.F.0500.0600.0400.1600.2000.1.1400.0500.1 75 ≈ 0.F. TRC.0 TRE.B TRC. TRE.0400.B/.1800.0 TRE.1.6 ≈ 1.6 ≈ 1.1. ▼ TR.0 TRE.1600.1.2 ≈ 1.F.70.0600. fibre-rod modules for TRC TRE Length ≈ 0.0.2 ≈ 1.0 TRC.0.F.40.60.B TRC.30 TRE.F.0.0500.F.50.40.60.B TRC.70.0 TRE.1400.B TRC.2 ≈ 1. The five rear e-chain® links are rigidly connected to allow relative movement the integrated fibre-rods.70.4 ≈ TRE.40.0 TRE.1.8 ≈ 0.B/.0.4 Part No.1.0 TRE.F.80 60.7 ≈ 0.B TRC.0.B TRC.1.0* TRE.0.50.F.B TRC.B TRC.1.1.4 ≈ 1.0 TRE.60.1.1.B TRC.9 74 8.F.1.1.B TRC.0600.4 ≈ 0.F.8 ≈ 2.1400.F.4 ≈ ≈ 1.F.1.0 TRE.F.0800.0.0* TRE.40.40