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0 Order example: fitted side link To receive extender crossbar RD115 pre-fitted along the outer radius the e-chain®, please add index 15050.15RHD115 115 450.5 17 51 17 17 80 4 25 80.40D300 270 450.17RDZ115.0 To receive extender crossbar RD115 pre-fitted along the inner radius the e-chain®, please add index 15050.7 80. Simply clamps onto the opening crossbar.R.30D200 200 450.eu/R19850 E4/light|Series15050·15150·R19850|Furtheraccessories Extender crossbar with fixed width Round square extender crossbar combined with openable crossbars or attached directly the side link (as viewed from the fixed end) Order example: combined with openable crossbars ToreceiveextendercrossbarRHD115pre-fittedalongtheouterradiusofthee-chain®,pleaseaddindexE:15050.27 80.17RDE115.10/15RHDZ115/10. Separator, one end locking Offset slots for more variability.igus.X 5 4. The movable rollers compensate for relative movement between the e-chain® and hose. They can positioned precisely and then locked position.1 min.eu/15050 www.igus.17RD115 115 450.eu/15150 www.27 3D CAD, service life calculation, configurators and more www.1 80.7.0 ToreceiveextendercrossbarRHD115pre-fittedalongtheinnerradiusofthee-chain®,pleaseaddindexZ:15050. Rollclip* Minimises abrasion sensitive hoses.6.1 9 27 489.6.extendercrossbarwith fixedwidth,asindividualparts Hose Extender crossbar shape Fitted to side link Combine with openable crossbars ¡ round yes ¡ round yes no o square yes no o square yes no o square yes no o square yes no o square yes o square yes o square yes Extender crossbars with fixed width Safe guiding for large hoses ● Suitable for hoses with maximum outer diameter 270mm ● Option extender crossbars with fixed width combine with openable crossbars ● Option extender crossbars with fixed width attached directly the side link ● Optionally openable along the inner "Z" the outer radius "E" ● Gliding with crossbars assembled along the outer radius and special guide trough E4/light Series 15050·15150·R19850 Accessories More interior separation options Notchlockingseparator*forincreasedholding force Notch locking separators offer higher crossbar opening forces for high humidity and/or large hydraulic hoses.6 80.27 490.40/16 521. *Only suitable for e-chains® Note: Please aware the minimum lateral gap the side links! e-tube: 40mm e-chain®: 16mm As standard separators are fitted every 2nd e-chain® link! Rollclip*, for e-chains® unassembled assembled Notch locking separator*, lockable for e-chains® unassembled assembled Separator, one end locking unassembled assembled .igus.1 18 4 8 80.igus.10/15RHDE115/10.R.R.25HD200 200 450.750 15050 15150 R19850 751 15050 15150 R19850 Ø [mm] 450.20HD150 150 450.30HD250 220 490.eu/E4light More information www.35D250 220 450.25D150 150 450.7.R.0 PartNo