IGUS (en)

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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

Strana 283 z 723

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R.48L. Delivery time upon request.0 E4.5 3. 200. with required radius (R).48L.0 5. 350.0 4.R.48L.R.5 2.64 62 1.0 R4. 150.R. R.48L Crossbars every link(openable along inner and outer radius, from both sides) e-tubes R4.48L. 187.R. 200.R.0 6. e-tubes 225 245 2.0 10 2.R.48L R4. 162. Please consult igus®.R.58 187 207 2.0 R4.R.48L.48L.igus. 150.48L.67 1.48L.36 162 182 2.0 R4. 225. 362.R.0** E4.0 R4.0 E4.0 R4.56 3.R.48L.150.R. 300.0 – Bi E4.0 R4.48L.0 – E4.R.84 2.5 1. 275.81 – 387 407 2.igus.0 – E4.14 2.97 237 257 2.0** – E4. 125. R.0 E4.48L.48L 1392 FLB FLG 0 0..48L 087.74 – 362 382 2.. 125.R.R.R.0 R4.R.R.R.82 87 107 1.48L. 062.66 – 337 357 2.R.0 E4.79 2. 237.09 – 200 220 2. 262.0** – E4.45 – 287 307 2.0 – E4.R.0 1.51 – 300 320 2.48L.0 E4..60 – 325 345 2.0 2.0 6.35 3.48L. 387.48L.0 R4.48L. Example: E4. 1) Radius not available for e-tubes Available bend radii Complete Part No.112.48L.48L.5 1.175.1L 214 264 106 106 106 106 106 – 208 233 475 570 670 780 1,030 – 370 450 804 938 1,139 1,340 1,675 – – 230 300 380 460 660 – 1) Radius not available for e-tubes Radius not suitable for long travel applications. 112.72 – 350 370 2. E4.48L.70 212 232 2.00 – 175 195 2. 137.48L.48L.0** – E4.48L 087.88 – 150 170 1.R.91 100 120 1.48L.48L. 075.0 R4.48L E4.48L 563 E4. e-chains® Part No.48L|Installationdimensions Unsupported applications Short travels Unsupported length FLG FLB [m] Travel [m] Moving end Fixed end = Offset fixed end 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.0 E4.eu/E4. 400.0 8. R4.48L.R.48L·R4.48L Product range Light design, high dynamics, cost-effective Total length guide trough Moving end Fixed end Guide trough without glide bar Guide trough with glide bar Gliding applications For travel lengths from 10m max.42 312 332 2.175.48L .0 E4.eu/R4.53 1.5 0 3.90 – 400 420 2.48L.48L R4.48L.64 1. 325. 312.0** – R 0751) 1001) 125 150 175 200 250 300 350 H D K R 0751) 1001) 125 150 175 200 250 3002) 3502) H2 D2 K2 CL LK = S/2 K R [mm] 0751)| 1001)| 125| 150| 175| 200| 250| 300| 350| e-chains® E4.0 crossbars every link R4.0 R4. 225.39 – 275 295 2. 100m Note: recommend the project planning such system carried out igus®.R. 050. 250.96 – **Width available upon request.48L. 050.0 fully enclosed ≤43 mm 48 64 .48L.69 75 1.18 137 157 1.R.0 10 20 30 40 50 0 2.48L [mm] [mm] [kg/m] [kg/m] E4. 075.04 2.0** – E4.48L·R4.0** E4.48L [mm] [mm] [kg/m] [kg/m] E4. 300.R.1L Series E4.0 R4.0** – E4.74 – 112 132 1.0 1.0 4.48L R4.48L. 214 264 314 364 414 464 564 664 764 208 233 258 283 308 333 383 433 483 370 450 530 610 685 765 920 1,080 1,235 The required clearance height: 40mm (with 2.08 262 282 2.0** – E4.48L. e-tubes 50 1.48L.0 R4. 100.73 2. 175.48L.5 0.0** – E4.48L.R. 062.0 E4. 287.R.48L Fully enclosed(lids openable along inner and outer radius, from both sides) More information www.24 2. Fill weight [kg/m] E4.0 E4.0 4.48L.0 D H S/2 S R H - 64 64 67 H F = H + 40 Ba Bi 1320 S/2 S D2 K2 S/2 H Ri H 2 LK S/2 K2 R Bi E4.48L R4.5 4.R.48L.0 R4.30 – 250 270 2. In case travels between and 10m recommend e-chain® with longer unsupported length. 250.R.R.R.01 105 125 1. 337.R.0** – E4.0 – E4.R.48 562 E4. e-chains® Part No.48L .48L.5kg/m fill weight) 1) Radius not available for e-tubes Inner height [mm] 48 Pitch [mm/link] 67 Links/m corresponds [mm] 15 1,005 e-chain® length Part No.R..0** – E4.48L.R.1L|E4.48L.igus.48L.15 125 145 1.48L. 105.48L. 212.eu/E4.77 – 375 395 2. 175.48L www.0 8.0 E4.R.150.R.0 E4.18 – Part No.R.48L.97 2. 375. 100.0 – E4.0 – E4.R.48L.R.58 1