0 20.0 27.38L.0 21.150.38L Further accessories
3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.0 100 Extender crossbar both sides along inner and outer radius bend radius (R) 150
.0 16.0
View from the
fixed end
Versions Hose Part number
e-chain® with extender crossbar e-chain® with extender crossbar
Extendercrossbarandstandardcrossbaralternating alongtheinnerandouterradius1)
Extender crossbar both sides along the inner and outer radius2)
Extender crossbar along the outer radius3)
Extender crossbar along the inner radius2)
Extender crossbar and standard crossbar alternating along the outer radius3)
Extender crossbar and standard crossbar alternating along inner radius1)
1) Minimum bend radius: 125 Minimum bend radius: 150 Minimum bend radius: 063
Available widths (other widths available upon request.R.1L Series E4.38L.0 17
Ø [mm] mm
I-BFH-07-0 M4
I-BFH-10-0 M5
I-BFH-12-0 M5
I-BFH-17-0 M6
Bi [mm]
| 100 125 137 150 162 175 187 200 212 225 237 250 262 300 |
E4. with the width index XXX and the minimum bend radius (R).XXXTUBR.0 34.38L
R4.igus.38L·R4.38L www.38L.38L.R.R.XXXTUBL.0
122 E4.R.38L.XXXHBE48.eu/E4.150.5 40.igus.5
30.38L.5 54.0
78 E4.XXXB48.5 13.5 47.5
34 E4.0 E4.0 20.XXXHBZ48.R.1L can fitted with openable
extender crossbars, which increase
the size the interior the e-chain®.100B48. Delivery time upon request.0 24.
Crossbars can fitted various ways:
from one both sides, alternating
with standard crossbars and any
Bi 50
Ba 16
48. with the width index XXX and the minimum bend radius (R).38L.0 20.1L Series E4.0
Ø [mm]
E4.XXXHB48. TUB Part No.0
34 E4. TUB Part No.38L. TUB For corrugated tube nominal diameter
Outer link right* Outer link left* Outer link both ends*
*As viewed from the fixed end
Complete Part No.igus.eu/E4.R.0 with TUB outer sections every 2nd right hand link
Part number NW
Complete Part No. Example:
More information www.38L·R4.5 20.38L.38L
Extender crossbars with flexible width Safe guiding for large hoses
● For guiding and protecting large hoses
● With mounting for noise dampers
● Cable-friendly design, high crossbar holding force
● The openable extender crossbars can fitted different ways and combinations
● Optionally openable along the inner outer radius
The E4.5
24.XXXBE48. Example:
Ø [mm]
34 E4.5 15.R.0
78 E4.eu/R4.38L
R4.38L Further accessories
e-chain® with openable extender crossbars
Aluminium support tray
● Corrosion-resistant and seawater-resistant aluminium rails with adjustable width
● Noise-reducing glide strip integrated standard
● Easy installation and connection the e-tube
● Open design dirt and debris fall through
More information From page 1362
TUB Safe guidance for corrugated tubes parallel the e-chain®
● Additional, simple guidance for corrugated tubes the outside the e-chain®
● PMACLIP allows corrugated tubes with nominal widths 07, ,12, 17mm easily clipped on
● Easy access the corrugated tubes, fast replacement the hoses
● Reduce assembly time and cost easy assemble, without any additional screws tools
● The part number includes the e-chain® with TUB side sections; the PMACLIP support and the hose are ordered separately
PMACLIP support one-piece
construction with safety clip,
suitable for corrugated tubes
Product range PMACLIP Support, one-piece, with safety clip
TUB outer link
Corrugated tube
Part No.R.0 20.560
20.0 68.100TUBR.5
48.0 E4.38L