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13 016 110.150.0 7. Note: for one-piece, non-openable e-chain® links please assemble the interior separation before fitting the e-chain®! As standard separators are fitted every 2nd e-chain® link! 3D CAD, service life calculation, configurators and more www.40.X 111.QF Part No. Moving end (outer link) Fixed end (inner link) Hole pattern for part numbers E2.15 www. Contains a housing for hexagonal nut and socket cap bolt M3.A2 ..2.A E6 ALLE ohne c-Profil .15 Additional features E2.150.igus.20.150.12PZ 3 40.150.1 X t 2,5 2 110.56PZ E2.150.eu/E2C.5. Separators can be arranged any position the cross-section.34PZ E2.30.150.igus. 5PZ E2.20.15 E2.15 Accessories Interior separation Increase cable service life Interior separation assembly tool for the E2.150.150..150.30.5 E2.1micro Standard separator unassembled assembled Notch separator for notched crossbar unassembled assembled Moving end Fixed end both ends pivoting one end* pivoting both ends locking Width index Part No.150.12PZ 2 20..5 5 E2.150. ▼ E2.16.A . ▼ E2.A4 .56PZ E2.40 X [mm] 050 110.A ..15.1 E2.30 111..150.A3 .15.1 micro ● Easy fitting separators and shelves ● Significant assembly time reduction ● Grip and tool tip can ordered separately and are easy change More information www.150.1 micro Series E2.15 E2C.150.30.150..20. 12 5 12 8 5 15.8 – 27.4 2. One end only pivots towards the inner radius whether fitted A4! Full-width shelf for e-chains® unassembled assembled Bi 23 Bi 13 9.10 013 110.15 Accessories Mounting brackets, polymer one-piece Pivoting Locking More information www. E2.56PZ E2. 3PZ E2. 4PZ E2.10.8 – 23..13 111.X X [mm] 010 5.16 X [mm] 020 E2C.1 micro Series E2.150.150 .9 2.eu/E2.150.A4 .5.A3 E2.15 347 E2i.1open 75% less wear ● igus® separators increase the service life the cables factor 4 ● Separators with rounded design for less cable wear and abrasion ● Optimised for easier and faster assembly More information www.34PZ E2.56PZ E2.50.eu/E2..1open Standard for any application For easy vertical separation e-chains®.150.150.40. 6PZ E2.A2 .150.A4.20 030 110.A1 .150..20. full set with tiewrap plates both ends locking Number of teeth – 17.A E2/zipper A2/A4 solo E2 A2 +A4 solo T3 solo E3 AE version 01 E3 AE version 02 .15 E2. ▼ E2.A .10 111.12PZ 1 13.8 42 57.igus.30.65 ø 3.13. drawing above left Hole pattern for part numbers E2.15 111. Without notches, freely movable. 1PZ E2.1 E2.8/90° 42° 42° 42° 42° 346 E2i.12PZ 2 30.56PZ E2.eu/E2i. mounting bracket: E2. E2.34PZ E2.A4 .34PZ E2. Single Part No.igus.QF Possible variations for assembled mounting brackets.A2, .5 E2.16.40 111.1 7.2.45 7.20 111.5 5 E2. drawing below left .150.34PZ E2.15.A4 E4 ALLE ohne c-Profil .2 unassembled assembled unassembled assembled unassembled assembled Full-width shelves Width [mm] Order example to indicate option with brackets pre-fitted With integrated strain relief tiewrap plates Full set width index Series The quickflange can clipped-in all mounting brackets. Recommended for side-mounted applications. ▼ E2.B A B A B B E2.15 www.. ▼ E2.10.56PZ E2.30.eu/E2. E2.16 111.15 E2.150 .2 .: E2.8 32 47.15 E2.X E2.15.20. full set with tiewrap plates both ends pivoting Part No.13.50.2 5 5 15. Full-width shelf This option for applications with many small cables with similar diameters.A .50.15 E2i.12PZ 1 16.150 .45 14.34PZ.A1, .150.8 – 20.56PZ E2. Locks securely preset increments Notch separator for exact positioning e-chains®. ▼ E2.2 14.16.12PZ 5 1.10. 2PZ A [mm] B [mm] 10.8 22 37.eu/E2.50 E2.5.2 E2.5 3. ▼ E2. receive mounting brackets pre-fitted please add index . full set with tiewrap plates one end* pivoting Part No.150 .5 12 8 8 3.8 *One end pivoting: pivot angle bend radius.A1 .12PZ 4 50. E2.2..150.150.50 111.1 E2C.1 1.A2 .15.34PZ E2. For full-width separation.30 040 110.igus. incl.150. E2. .A2 .2 3..150. E2.150