IGUS (en)

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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
igus.eu/E2.0 E2C.15.24 0.19 0.R.5 Ba Bi Bi E2i.8 0. 30.1open .15 E2. with required radius (R).15 E2.0 4.20 16 23.21 30 37.26 50 57. More information From page 142 RBR version (Reverse Bend Radius), some radii available from stock.R.. E2.15 E2C.0 E2C.15.30.9 19.8 0.0 E2.0 028 038 048 | E2i.13.15 FLG FLB 0.038.R.eu/E2C.0 E2.15 E2C.eu/E2.0 028 038 048 | E2i.15.0 E2.15 Openable along the outer radius, from both sides e-chains® Series E2C.3 - 19.15.R.15.15.R.R.15 LK = S/ 2 K More information www.19 13 20.15 www.igus.8 0..4/14.40. 50.R.4 14.5 1.0 E2C. 75 115 169 68 115 130 160 195 280 The required clearance height: 15mm (with 0.igus.15.1 micro from igus® ● Reduce opening times from seconds ● Open long e-chain® section one go More information www.15 E2.15 Product range Very confined spaces, fast assembly e-chains® Series E2i.13.0 E2C.4 Inner height [mm] 14.15.15 www. E2i.40 ESD version (Electro Static Discharge) available from stock.R.15 E2i.0 028 038 048 | E2i.15 R 028 038 048 075* H D K E2i.15.0 0 1.R.15 E2C. 10.3 + 15 15.R.15.15 [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg/m] [kg/m] [kg/m] E2i. E2C.26 0..8 0.0 028 038 048 | E2i.8 0.3kg/m fill weight) *Radius 075 only for series E2C.21 0.15.R.15.26 0..29 *Radius 075 only for series E2C.5 1.0 E2C.15.4 14.40 Inner height [mm] 14. 40.0 028 038 048 | E2i.8 0.5 0 1.0 2.1micro ≤12.0 E2.0 E2C.20.3 Part No.R. Example: E2.R.0 028 038 048 075* | E2i.igus.15..R.15 E2.15 E2C.R.16.0 D H H S/2 S HF = H R 20 25 19.24 0.20.15 .0 E2.0 028 038 048 | E2i.R.20.15 E2C.15.0 E2.19 0.29 0. e-chains® openable along inner radius Part No.18 0.4 Inner height [mm] 14.20 0.15.0 2.30. 20.1 micro Series E2.R.eu/E2i.9 345 E2i. e-chains® one-piece, non- openable Available bend radii 10 17.15 Installation dimensions Unsupported applications Short travels Unsupported length FLG FLB [m] Travel [m] Moving end Fixed end 3D CAD, service life calculation, configurators and more www.20 20 27.15.15 E2.R.21 0. 16.9 Pitch [mm/link] 20 Links/m corresponds [mm] 50 1,000 e-chain® length ESD many sizes from stock ● Standardised product made from igumid ESD ● ESD material tested with over million cycles for highest requirements ● Shortdeliverytimesincludingmountingbracketsandinteriorseparation;24hrs,fromstock More information and the complete product range From page 142 www.15 .0 1.5 mm 14.0 0.15 344 14..igus.5 2.1 micro e-chain® opener ● For quick and easy opening, e-chain® opener included with every first order openable E2. More information From page 130 Complete Part No.eu/E2.0 0 3.eu/esd Reduce assembly time E2.15.0 E2C.15.igus.R.R. e-chains® openable along outer radius Part No.8 0.18 0.0 E2. 13.15.15 Openable along the inner radius, from both sides e-chains® Series E2.16.10.24 40 47.15 One-piece, non-openable Fill weight [kg/m] E2.29 0.15.15 E2.1 micro Series E2.R.15..20 0