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15.: E2.56PZ E2.15 Accessories Mounting brackets, polymer one-piece Pivoting Locking More information www. Standard for any application For easy vertical separation e-chains®.30. full set with tiewrap plates both ends locking Number of teeth – 17.2.150. Separators can be arranged any position the cross-section.10.45 7. 2PZ A [mm] B [mm] 10.15 347 E2i.150.40 111.15.20 111.150 .X X [mm] 010 110.8 – 23. Contains a housing for hexagonal nut and socket cap bolt M3.13.1 X t 2,5 2 110. ▼ E2.15.igus..5 5 E2. Full-width shelf This option for applications with many small cables with similar diameters.A E6 ALLE ohne c-Profil .15 Accessories Interior separation Increase cable service life Interior separation assembly tool for the E2.30 111.1 E2. E2.30.15 E2C. ▼ E2.34PZ E2.15.150.150. ▼ E2.40 X [mm] 050 110.15 www.8 22 37..eu/E2.1 1.150..A E2/zipper A2/A4 solo E2 A2 +A4 solo T3 solo E3 AE version 01 E3 AE version 02 .12PZ 2 30.15 Additional features E2. E2.150.56PZ E2.34PZ E2.. mounting bracket: E2.8 42 57.150.A . drawing below left .A4 E4 ALLE ohne c-Profil .34PZ. ▼ E2.16.56PZ E2. 3PZ E2.50 E2.40.5 5 E2.12PZ 3 40. Moving end (outer link) Fixed end (inner link) Hole pattern for part numbers E2.15.56PZ E2.1 micro ● Easy fitting separators and shelves ● Significant assembly time reduction ● Grip and tool tip can ordered separately and are easy change More information www.2.16 X [mm] 020 110.150. ▼ E2.150.1 micro Series E2.A4 .A1 .5 E2. 6PZ E2.150. Without notches, freely movable. 4PZ E2.5 12 8 8 3.igus..8/90° 42° 42° 42° 42° 346 E2i.16. ▼ E2. E2..2 3.150.2 14.1 E2C.2 E2.30.10 013 110. incl.30 040 110.5 3.A2 .1 E2. .12PZ 5 1. ▼ E2.15 E2C.150. drawing above left Hole pattern for part numbers E2.12PZ 1 E2i. E2.8 *One end pivoting: pivot angle bend radius.150. 5PZ E2.A1, .X E2.15.eu/E2.150.150 .A2 .15.2 7. Single Part No.2 unassembled assembled unassembled assembled unassembled assembled Full-width shelves Width [mm] Order example to indicate option with brackets pre-fitted With integrated strain relief tiewrap plates Full set width index Series The quickflange can clipped-in all mounting brackets.150.10. full set with tiewrap plates both ends pivoting Part No.34PZ.A2, .150.150 ..A1 .56PZ E2.150.56PZ E2.150. Recommended for side-mounted applications.8 – 20.A .150 . 7.5.A4 .40. E2.12PZ 2 20.X 111.15.1 7.150.50 111.4 2.45 14.50.igus.igus.15 www.34PZ E2. full set with tiewrap plates one end* pivoting Part No.igus.16.A4.2 5.eu/E2.150...150.15 111.1open 75% less wear ● igus® separators increase the service life the cables factor 4 ● Separators with rounded design for less cable wear and abrasion ● Optimised for easier and faster assembly More information www.50.A2 .20.A .eu/E2i.20.eu/E2.igus.50.9 2.150.56PZ E2. Locks securely preset increments Notch separator for exact positioning e-chains®.34PZ E2. receive mounting brackets pre-fitted please add index ..5 E2.13 016 110.10.20. Note: for one-piece, non-openable e-chain® links please assemble the interior separation before fitting the e-chain®! As standard separators are fitted every 2nd e-chain® link! 3D CAD, service life calculation, configurators and more www.30.A3 E2.150.15 E2.150. 12 5 12 8 5 15.A ..8 32 47. For full-width separation.150.150 .8 – 27.20.15 E2.eu/E2C.150.QF Part No.10 111.2.15 E2. 1PZ E2.150.12PZ 4 50.15 E2.65 ø 3.34PZ E2.20 030 110.20. One end only pivots towards the inner radius whether fitted A4! Full-width shelf for e-chains® unassembled assembled Bi 23 Bi 13 9.34PZ E2.13.16 111.A4 .2 5 5 15.12PZ 1 13.1micro Standard separator unassembled assembled Notch separator for notched crossbar unassembled assembled Moving end Fixed end both ends pivoting one end* pivoting both ends locking Width index Part No.34PZ E2.A3 .QF Possible variations for assembled mounting brackets..150 .5.150.B A B A B B E2.150.13 111.1 micro Series E2