Lightning protection guide by OBO

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Last revision 2020


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4.2 Building classes (using the example Ger- many) Not every building subject the high fire protection requirements. Second protection aim Protect escape and rescue routes Third protection aim Maintain the electrical function important electrical systems must continue operate Protection property and the environment The protection property includes not only the pro- tection the building the system, but also the pro- tection cultural goods and irreplaceable data. Protection the usually very high investments plant equipment the main argu- ment for fire protection concept. When implementing fire protection measures, environ- mental protection must also observed. Also, most cases, such systems require fire protection concept, without which the system cannot approved. For higher buildings above metres (upper edge of the floor the top room), aerial rescue vehicles, e. With regard environmental protection, the German MBO prescribes this special protection aim: states that "Public safety and order well life, health and the natural basics life (may) not endangered". These points are also importance terms of power generation. Therefore, Germany, the MBO makes a distinction between various building classes, which each have different fire protection requirements.1 Construction law protection aims Measures must taken buildings with lot of people, that, the event fire, one injured by fire and smoke. TBS Blitzschutz-Leitfaden 2018 / en / 2020/01/10 14:42:40 14:42:40 (LLExport_02613) / 2020/01/10 14:42:54 14:42:54 28 Chapter General introduction . these buildings, rooms upper storeys can reached by the local fire brigade using portable ladders. Classes mostly contain smaller buildings, in which usually few people are found. system must designed such way that, even the event fire, neither people nor nature are en- dangered unnecessarily. stairwell. the industrial sector, is also course mandatory implement the construc- tion fire protection requirements. This should also contain appropriate lightning protec- tion zone concept. 1. Not every municipality possesses appropriately equipped fire brigade, as these special vehicles are very expensive buy. The opportunity for safe, quick exit must exist. Therefore, three steps are essential for the effective fire protection a building: First protection aim Prevent formation and limit the spread the fire. During emergencies, people that are unfamiliar with the building who have great diffi- culty correctly estimating the risks and leaving the building using the most direct route.g.5.g. Besides the aspect safety for those people working in the plant, the operator must also focus the pro- tection their machines, products and warehouse fa- cilities.5. This is why these municipalities very infrequently have tower blocks. Here, the formation equipotential levels, together with insulated lightning protection system, can rep- resent innovative and safe concept for protection against fire formation due direct lightning strike. rotary ladders, are required.1. Higher buildings below the tower block limit 22 metres are found classes buildings regulated according classes single struc- ture rescue route sufficient, e.4