Lightning protection guide by OBO

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Last revision 2020


Strana 198 z 288

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b) Use two-port SPDs the supply point. Feed line IT terminals Cable length (second SPD required) Maximum cable length between SPD and terminal Feed line IT terminals Cable length (earthed cable shield) Shielded cable routing between SPD and terminal TBS Blitzschutz-Leitfaden 2018 / en / 2020/01/10 14:42:40 14:42:40 (LLExport_02613) / 2020/01/10 14:42:54 14:42:54 198 Chapter The internal lightning protection system .4. Installation locations and cable lengths Looking the direction energy flow, additional SPDs must installed after the infeed point the elec- trical system, for example sub-distributors the sockets. Type surge protection devices with minim- um cross-section mm² copper, the standard commercial minimum connection cross-section of 6 mm², must connected.5: Minimum dimensions equipotential bonding cables, protection class IV Cross-sections According IEC 60364-5-53, type 1+2 lightning arrestors with cross-section least mm² of copper capable carrying lightning current are re- quired.: a) Additional SPD close possible the re- source protected.g. b) Use one-port SPD (Up (50%) Uw) the supply point. Account must additionally be taken the maximum short-circuit currents occur- ring the place installation. HAK 230/400 V 4 Z 5 UV 6 6 Building connection box In near the central meter system/main distributor Sub-distributor Terminal devices SPD type and/or type 2 SPD type type 3 Installation location SPDs (maximum cable length between SPD and terminal m) According VDE 0100-534, Chapter 534.9 "Effect- ive protection area SPDs", additional protection measures should employed, the cable length between the SPD and the resource protected is more than e.Material Cross-section cables connecting different equipo- tential busbars together with the earthing system Cross-section cables connecting the internal metallic installations with the equipotential busbar Copper mm² mm² Aluminium mm² mm² Steel mm² mm² Table 3. With points and c), additional measures, such as the use shielded cables, are necessary