Lightning protection guide by OBO

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Last revision 2020


Strana 148 z 288

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isCon PAE) the equipotential bonding. After the first potential connection behind the con- nection element, the isCon® conductor reflects an equivalent separation distance (se) 0.75 metres the air and 1.5 metres solid sub- stances according IEC/EN 62305-3. there lightning strike, the equipotential bonding must not carry lightning current and must the protection angle the lightning protection With the "Earthing systems" module, the OBO Construct online tool makes efficient support available for project planning and documentation of type (ring and foundation earthers) and type A (earth rods) earthing systems. Zone 0/20 Zone 1/21 Zone 2/22 Example the installation the isCon® Pro+ system in the zones potentially explosive area Earthing systems In potentially explosive areas, type according to IEC/EN 62305-3 recommended for earthing sys- tems. isCon® conductor air-termination rod area In zones and 21, after the first potential connec- tion, the OBO isCon® Pro+ conductor should con- nected regular distances (0.obo-bettermann.g. The OBO isCon® Pro+ conductor has been tested in- dependently according the following directives: • ATEX OBO manufacturer's declarations can found at www. TBS Blitzschutz-Leitfaden 2018 / en / 2020/01/10 14:42:40 14:42:40 (LLExport_02613) / 2020/01/10 14:42:54 14:42:54 148 Chapter The external lightning protection system . This means that installation possible directly metallic and electrical structures.External lightning protection with high-voltage-res- istant, insulated conductor The OBO isCon® conductor prevents direct arcing between the conductor and the building protec- ted. this special application, the arresting resist- ance must low possible and may not reach 10 Ohm.5 metres) using a metallic cable bracket (e