Lightning protection guide by OBO

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Last revision 2020


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these values are not achieved, then the steel reinforcement may not used a conductor. the natural down-con- ductor also optimised protection against LEMP (lightning electromagnetic impulse), corres- ponding grids within the system should realised. Production must be checked and documented photographs. With systems made prefabricated concrete and pre- stressed concrete sections, the electrical continuity must checked with continuity test between the top section and the earth.TBS Blitzschutz-Leitfaden 2018 / en / 2020/01/10 14:42:40 14:42:40 (LLExport_02613) / 2020/01/10 14:42:54 14:42:54 Example: use reinforced concrete supports/ down- conductor system Down-conductor grid width m Reinforcement mesh width m Example: use reinforced concrete supports/ down- conductor system In building structures with reinforced concrete sup- ports walls, the down-conductors must routed in the reinforcement. TBS Blitzschutz-Leitfaden 2018 / en / 2020/01/10 14:42:40 14:42:40 (LLExport_02613) / 2020/01/10 14:42:54 14:42:54 113 Chapter The external lightning protection system . Measurement The total electrical resistance should measured us- ing testing unit suitable for this purpose (DC source, 10 measuring current). building structures made of prefabricated concrete sections, the electrical continu- ity the steel reinforcement the individual prefab- ricated concrete sections with the neighbouring pre- fabricated concrete sections must guaranteed. Earthing fixed points should used connection points for down-conductors and the equipotential bonding. A connection the earthing system capable with- standing lightning current must also executed, at least the main earthing rail. Here grid widths and are recom- mended. The connection points must created carefully with clamp connectors. Exact specifications are required for the manufacture the reinforced concrete elements. Two types measurement must carried out: • The resistance the connection point the rein- forcement the next connection point should < 10 mΩ • The connection point the reinforcement with the main earthing rail should not exceed per metre building height. Tests should ideally carried out before and after filling with concrete. this case, recommend the erection of an external conductor. The down-conductors must be routed sections. The down-conductors must also be additionally connected the reinforcement. This requires exact coordination. Continuous reinforcement the building structure If the reinforcement reinforced concrete the build- ing structure being used natural down- con- ductor, must joined the air termination system using lightning protection connection components in accordance with IEC 62561-1 (DIN 62561-1). Reinforced concrete elements are ideally suited a down-conductors system, provided that this use in- cluded the planning process good time