Lightning protection guide by OBO

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Last revision 2020


Strana 112 z 288

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9 Use natural components Metallic installations can used natural com- ponents conductor system, provided that: • Electrical continuity permanent, • Their dimensions correspond least the values for standardised conductors (Table 2. painted layer.5 mm.6). re- inforced concrete steel sup- ports) are used, often not pos- sible isolate the lightning pro- tection system and earthing system. • Natural elements for down-conductors systems must executed according IEC 62365-3.g.2. • Facade elements can also used downcon- ductors systems, provided that they are electrically interconnected. Precondition for facade elements and metallic con- structions: • Their dimensions must correspond the require- ments for down-conductors and the thickness of the metal plates/pipes must least 0. 2.g. • stressed concrete, the risk impermissible mechanical influences due exposure lightning current taken into account.Example: vertical facade elements When natural conductors (e. Electrically connected reinforced concrete (metal re- inforcement) can used natural component of a conductor system if: • Connection points are provided reinforced con- crete part, • the prefabricated concrete parts are interconnected during mounting the construction site. Pipelines with combustible explosive contents are not permitted, the seals flange couplings are not connected that they are electrically conductive. TBS Blitzschutz-Leitfaden 2018 / en / 2020/01/10 14:42:40 14:42:40 (LLExport_02613) / 2020/01/10 14:42:54 14:42:54 112 Chapter The external lightning protection system . • Their electrical continuity the vertical direction must meet the requirements. Example: use horizontally connected facade elements as down-conductor system Metallic installations may sur- rounded with insulating material, e