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Poznámky redaktora
17.013.10 20 18 17 10 17 Ba Bi Ba Bi Ba Bi Bi Ba Bi Bi Ba Bi Ba Bi Ba Bi Ø 4. Example: E1.021: Part No.eu/E1.17.10.igus.17 Openable along the outer radius 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.17 Product range e-chain® strip, small size e-chain® Series E1.5 ≤15 mm 17 25 62 66 100 The required clearance height: HF 40mm More radii available upon request, please consult igus®.044.021.021. 204 (1.17.020 mm) E1.5 + 40 31 0.R.10.17.5 H H D S/2 S H F = H R 20 - 15.000 mm) A [mm] E1.17.R.0580 44 0.0695 Complete Part No.0 018 | Bi R [mm] [mm] [mm] E1.031. with required radius (R).028.17 Installation dimensions Moving end Fixed end Compact, universal mounting bracket for E1.021.0 028 | E1. with required radius (R).10 www.021 E1 Series E1.eu/E1 ≤9 mm 10 15.5 H H D S/2 S H F = H R 25. E1. e-chains® Available bend radii Weight [kg/segment] 21 0.020 mm) E1.igus.0 028 | Installation dimensions Moving end Fixed end E1 Series E1. 255 (1. e-chains® Available bend radii Weight [kg/segment] 13 0. 255 (1.R. Example: E1.10 Openable along the outer radius More information www. 200 (1.0 Part No.020 mm) Bi R [mm] [mm] [mm] E1.0164 Complete Part No.TS for easy attachment A 204mm Links/segment 8 A 255mm Links/segment 10 Mounting brackets for the series E1.eu/E1.17 20 18 17 10 Ba Bi Ba Bi Ba Bi Ba Bi Ø 4.0 028 | E1.021.igus.018 H D K R 028 H D K 184 E1.13.0 A 200mm Links/segment 10 .17.5 185 E1.5 Segment/m correspondsto[mm] 4 5 1,020 e-chain® length Series Segment length Links/segment Segments/m Series Segment length Links/segment Segments/m Part No.018.17.044. 92 76 120 The required clearance height: HF 40mm More radii available upon request, please consult igus®.013. Inner height [mm] 10 Pitch [mm/link] 20 Segment/m correspondsto[mm] 5 1,000 e-chain® length Inner height [mm] 17 Pitch [mm/link] 25.5 25 - 25 + 40 LK = S/2 LK = S/2 K A [mm] E1.10 Product range e-chain® strip, smallest size e-chain® Series E1.R.031.10