IGUS (en)

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Finally, the mounting brackets are fixed with two cable tiewraps.igus. Any excess length can easily be cut off.eu/e-rib Tests from the igus® laboratory: The igus® e-rib (pictured the right) stabilises the corrugated hose significantly sideways movement during acceleration deceleration The e-rib stabilises the corrugated hose that can only move one direction. If necessary, cut off thicker end sectionandanyexcesslengthand place the two mounting brackets on the side plates. With its lateral guide elements, the corrugated hose requires support along its length due the e-rib igus® delivers the required length.igus.igus.eu/e-rib e-rib Assembly instructions e-rib Tests Applications 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.eu/e-rib . To attach the e-rib the hose fitting,theremustbenoconnection point the last ribs the e-rib, otherwise the mounting bracket will not lock securely.174 175 1 3 2 4 Find video online www. More information www