IGUS (en)

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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

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eu/installation From one source components, service, and reliability Your reliable plant "Improving technology and reducing costs" igus® installation service Tested: igus® lab, Cologne Development and production: igus® GmbH, Cologne Supervisor service igus® energy chains Inspection and maintenance Installation support igus® harnessed system Modernisation and retrofit New installation igus® chainflex® cables Repair service and maintenance System guarantee months (depending application) Installation service Everything from one source Fast, professional installation specialised installation staff: saves installation time and cost, increases the service life, prevents failures. Predictable installation time for your system your premises - helpsyouinscheduleandcontributestohighsystemavailability.igus. Simply give call and will find a solution. You can refocus your core business 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www. Short access routes through certified partner your area - keeps travel and response times short and saves installation costs. Predictable igus® fixed prices for the installation and maintenance saves you administrative work planning and purchasing. Everything from one source from the manufacturer including customised system guarantee!: will guide you! Ranging from the initial review the system configuration, the delivery, and including the on-site installation the system your plant. Short term, flexible installation dates even weekends or at night you need immediate support the scheduled date has shifted.eu .igus.165 164 Installation service Quick, error-free, calculable prices More Information www