IGUS (en)

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

Strana 694 z 723

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Poznámky redaktora
80 95. Weight Installation set without glide bars 0.1384 95.70. Example: 95.XXX 92.70 95.05 .71 Trough height: 126.050 93.3mm Product range More information www.igus.3 25 = 126.80 95.71.21kg Installation set with glide bars 0.1 ● E2.050 93.eu/tubulartrough Tubular trough Components Installationdimensions For trough without glide bars tubes 1 metre long are required.71.71 E2.70 95.igus. For trough with glide bars tubes metre long are required. For trough the following parts are required: Area with glide bar Montageset + Tube: pieces Area without glide bar Montageset + Tube: pieces Transition from area without glide bar area with glide bar installation set junction 50 124 71 65 139 86 75 149 96 90 106 164 111 100 116 174 121 125 141 199 146 150 166 224 171 175 194 252 199 200 219 277 224 *Spacer plate upon request XXX Width index Individual parts Part No.70 95.38 E2/000 ● 2700 H Ra H Ri ≥ 2 x ha ha Bi Ba BRi 5 BRa Bi Ba BRi 5 BRa H Ra H Ri ≥ 2 x ha ha 25 = 126.3 1385 95.17kg Installation set junction Fastening set Tubular steel, diameter galvanised 0.70.71 XXX BRa BRi 05 06* 07 09* 10 12 15 17 20 95.50kg (L 985 for clearance installation set 1m) Please add the width index XXX.XXX 95. Installation set without glide bars Installation set with glide bars Tubular trough sketches 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.2 93.XXX 95.74.80 For the following igus® series Tubular trough System 95.eu/tubulartrough Order example: e-chain® inner width 50mm