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without glidebars Part No.70. with glide bars For e-chain® series Page Tubular trough system RS lets light and dirt through 90 146 126.eu/tubulartrough Available from stock. 93. 92. E2.71. Recommended for less demanding applications and applications with travel speeds less than 2m/s, well travel distances less than 50m.eu/tubulartrough PartNo.70. E2.38 2700 1384 iF product design award 2000 system RS igus® tubular troughs are simple and open options safely guide e-chains®.26 2500 255 1382 93. ● For application areas where dirt chips occur the waste simply falls through the spaces ● Elegant design and very easy assembly ● the case low mechanical loads ● difficult setting the correct width the fitting spacers are delivered with the complete order ● The tubes are available galvanised steel polymer ● Very easy assembly the elements are pushed together and clipped in Typical industries and applications ● For application areas with dirt chips Transition from area without glide bar area with glide bar and spacer plate detail Tubular steel ø 12x1, 15x1, (galvanised) Installation set with glide bars (material igumid G) Installation set (material igumid G) without glide bar Installation set for junction of area with glide bar to area without glide bar Waste materials simply fall through the spaces Lets light and dirt through - tubular trough system RS 2m total length Area without glide bar Area with glide bar Tubular trough System Introduction Advantages More information www.igus. 95.71. Ready ship 48hrs.3 . Tubular trough System Selection table 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.1380 RS 1381 HRa [mm] 92.48 3500 1383 95. E2.igus.* *Average time before the ordered goods are dispatched.71.70