IGUS (en)

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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

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R.125.R.450. 3500R.48 E2/000 ● 2500 ● 2700 ● 3500 E4Q ● E4Q.05 More information www.0 50 9GL.0 100 9GL.0 65 9GL.450.07 E2.R. Installation set with spacer for fixed width, consisting plastic guide rails spacer Set plastic guide rails (left and right) specified lengths (standard: 2m) Feed module that guides the upper run the e-chain® down, 2m Only for series 2700R and 3500R rol e-chain® with centre feed Part No.450.0 175 9GL.0 3500.50.115.150 Feed module: please add the width index shown the tables the right page.R.0 3500R.0 3500. Please use the feed module 9GL.64.R.450.175.250.R.100.R.0 3500R.32 S/2 S S/2 1377 guidelite 01 Ba = Bi = BB = A = B = 9GL.R.R.150.R.50.0 3500R.0 3500R.17.R.0 2700.450.34 E4.2000 9GL.21.12 E2.BB [mm] [mm] [mm] 9GL.05 E2.48.R.R. guidelite Version Individual parts Installation set with spacer fixed width with clip-on spacers For the following igus® series guidelite Version 01 End feed recommended for all e-chains® combination with guidelite Centre feed only used with rol e-chains® series 2700R and series 3500R.175.450.450.R.15 E2.64.0 2500.112.12 E2.1 series For E4Q series For rol E2/000 series Lengthofspacer Outer guide angle distance Inner guide angle distance Crossbar XX 180 122 255 197 180 122 195 137 205 147 230 172 255 197 280 222 305 247 330 272 195 137 180 122 205 147 180 122 195 137 Note: Dimension (inner guide angle distance) must always 1mm 4mm larger than the e-chain®! .0 3500.R.48.0 3500.175.0 3500R.64.05 E4.64.26.R.1 series For E2/000 series For E4.R.200.0 3500.250.80. Feed principles Ideal for outdoor applications UV-resistant, corrosion-free, allows dirt pass through guidelite Version Product range Installation set with crossbar for fixed width 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.38.50.R.igus.0 2700R.0 3500.06 E4.50.05 E2.50.06 E4. Components version 01 Guide angles Plastic guide rail Crossbar, clip-on Outer e-chain® width Inner e-chain® width Length spacer Outer guide angle distance inner guide angle distance Dimension must always 1mm to 4mm larger than the e-chain®.50.200.05 E4.112.64.103. Description Part No.R.0 3500R.XXXXX. E2.450.R. series 450.115.07 E4.R.32.0 125 9GL.0 65 9GL.450.XX 9GL.1 ● E2.XX, which guides the upper run the e-chain® down. Example: 9GL.450.48.R.450.igus.17 E2.R.R. including width index spacer For E2.50.48.0 75 9GL. 75 9GL.125.225.R.0 50 9GL.XX Installation set: please add the width index shown the tables the right page. 3500.120.0 150 9GL.50.50.0 50 9GL.1 ● E4.0 125 9GL.50.R.450.64. Example: 9GL.50.48.28.R.64.R. E2.R.0 3500. ● E4. ● E4.0 200 9GL. 50 9GL.0 65 guidelite 01 1376 A 130 B (Ba 1-4) BB BRa 132 BRi 2 Ba Bi Ba Bi 20 145 20 145 18 65 E2.175.06 E2.R.0 3500R.0 E4Q.